
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

This and that

I went to the knee doctor today. He confirmed that my knee is getting worse and I will need a knee replacement at some point. He said that I should hold out on having anymore surgery if I can. He feels I am sort of young for a knee replacement, because they don't last too long and I would have to get another one later on. He recommended lubricant shots to help with the pain and a new type of orthotic. I tried the shots a year ago and they did help some, so I will do those again.

I have been wearing orthotics for a long time now. They only fit into tie shoes that are not very attractive, but everyday I put them in because I know I will be sorry if I don't. Now he is saying I need a different kind and that the ones I have for my feet may be working against what I need for my knee. Hmmm... sort of makes sense, but I wonder why he didn't tell me that 2 years ago?

In other news so much is going on with our aging parents. Dad isn't doing so well since his last hospitalization. He is more confused at home and is weaker than ever. He still managed to plant his garden by sitting down on the seat of the walker. He spends most of his days outside trying to trap squirrels and chipmunks so they don't eat his vegetables. My husband has to take the animals for a ride down the street and let them go. It will be a losing battle. It isn't bad that he goes outside, but he sneaks out when mom runs to the store and that is so unsafe. He will not listen to anyone.

My in law had a biopsy the other day and we are waiting for news on that. I pray all is well for her sake.

And ah... the wedding of my older son grows closer. I think I had my first dream about the wedding last night.. sort of. It was a cross of the play West Side Story and the wedding. I was about to go on for the play and was so worried about remembering my lines. When I woke up, I was sure it was all wedding anxiety!

I bought my dress for the wedding and I am happy with it, but trying to find shoes is a night mare! I am determined to find comfortable and sensible shoes that will look half way decent! I have been wearing old lady shoes for so long, I have forgotten how to wear heels.

I miss my old self. I miss her quite a bit actually. In a few years who I am today will be my old self and this may be better than I will be then, so I had better appreciate the now. Does that make sense to anyone?


KathyA said...

I gave up on heels some time ago and wear Dansko sandals and clogs. I wear orthotics, too, but because of my arches. The good news is that I don't have to wear them all the time -- did at first, but not now. I don't think heels for the duration of the wedding will be a bad thing. You'll find something.
Also, I am holding off on knee replacement in both knees as I have no cartilage in either knee. I did the shots, too, and they helped. I still do an hour of cardio (mostly on the elliptical as it's easier on the knees) and a half hour of weights, three times a week. The activity helps a lot.
Keep us posted on the wedding.

Forsythia said...

Here's hoping the best for your in-law. The story about your Dad sounds so familiar. Just reading my diary for the past year brought back a lot of memories of battles-of-will with Mom. Boy, she was stubborn, but she had no little to be stubborn about. Her stubbornness resulted in more self-inflicted injuries, and ultimately, we believe, her death. She refused to use a walker and would lecture me constantly on "refusing to give in to old age." I still get anxious thinking about it, and she's been gone for over 6 months.

Your knee problem sounds like my husband's, only he has neglected to deal with it. In a way, he's as stubborn as Mom was. He has had problems for years and refuses to do anything about it. His procrastination is going to leave him vulnerable to complications, and make a bad problem worse. People remark on his limp, and he denies it. "I do NOT limp."

Diane Vogel Ferri said...

whenever i decide that i hate being my age i try to remember how much my parents would like to be my age again! My heart goes out to you with your parents.

Lena said...


When I read your comment this morning, it perked me up. Just to know someone else going through the knee stuff made me feel better.

I have not been doing any exercise,just been feeling down and in pain.

I will try to get going with a program.

Lena said...


I still think about your mom, often. You did such a wonderful job of capturing who she was in your posts and what the challenges were in dealing with elders.

I understand you husband wanting to deny the knee problem. I already had one surgery and it really didn't help much. My husband has been after me to return to doctor for more treatment for a while now.

Maybe the stubbornness in us all keeps us going. ?

Lena said...


Yes, that is exactly what I meant. You get it!

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

You've got a lot of stressful events and changes going on at both ends of the family age-wise. I'm guessing that's adding to some of the discontent you're feeling. Here's hoping you get some more Lena time; I'm sure it will make you feel better in spite of the knee and other things.

Sona said...

Go to for shoes. Trust me.