
Monday, February 26, 2007

And the winner is....

Jennifer Hudson winning her first Oscar in her first feature film, while Eddie Murphy is passed over after 45 films and a performance that is staggering on screen. It doesn't seem right.

Snow Day

Back to bed, no work today! S N O W !

A gift of a day. Use it well.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Same, Same, Same.

Just finished the book, God and The Autism Connection. It is so similar to Indigo Children, and The Secret Spiritual World of Children, that I am a bit astonished.

I keep being led to it all, so I know this is where I am supposed to be headed. But I see how difficult it is to lead others to it, so I can only be inspired by those who have written the books and have paved the way in the mainstream.


It is Sunday.

Day of family and my mother's sauce. She is 81 years old and cooking every Sunday for all of her kids, grand kids, sisters, husband, and sons-in law. A party every Sunday in the Italian tradition.

Sometimes she takes a day off , but not too many. If she is not home, the sauce still gets made and a daughter is elected to cook the pasta for Dad.

On Sundays, it is like it always was. Sitting around the table like we are all frozen in time and know that every Sunday that comes around is another blessing.

The dining room table belongs in the Smithsonian.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Apple Tree

When I was a girl I had all my birthday parties across the street at Grandma's house on the farm. There are pictures of me standing under the apple tree with my pixie haircut and bright eyes. I felt loved and safe under that tree.

I look out my office window and there is an apple tree outside throwing its shade on my side of the building all day long. I find comfort in that tree and think I am where I belong, once again under the apple tree. What are the chances in this day and age to have an apple tree outside your office window?

But on the days that I am itching to move along, feeling like I don't belong and wanting more... I think about the tree. Am I supposed to be here forever.... or is it time to thank my roots and grow my wings?

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Every channel is telling the story of Anna Nicole Smith. Blond bombshell turned dead.

Wonder if all of the media circus will ever discourage any young girl from aspiring to become another Marilyn or Anna. Doubt it. It will only fuel more dangerous dreams and empty lives.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Romantic Comedy

Me and the girls went to see a chick flick today... Music and Lyrics with Drew Barrymore and Hugh Grant.

Could watch and listen to Hugh Grant all day, even though I get the idea that he may be a brute in real life.

The movie was much better and not as cheesy as I thought it would be. Rather funny... laugh out loud funny, and so poignant...but saccharine for sure. Just LOVED it.

Sophie was an aspiring writer who didn't believe in herself. Duh...yet she had such positivity, respect and belief in Alex.

The answers for Alex were her own truth.

Feeling uplifted from taking the day off and seeing the movie.

Sometimes it is just the little things that make a day.

Monday, February 19, 2007


I never imagined this blog to become a dream journal of sorts, but it seems that is what it is meant to be for now at least.

Dreaming about work and the farm. I was in the greenhouse toying with some piece of equipment like a tape recorder, maybe? I said something out loud about a nurse. But I can't recall it.

I heard through the grapevine that I was to teach the 4th quarter and one of the little girls came over to me to tell me that she would be my student. She said she would be awful to teach and that she would end up trying to kill me. She was a slight girl with rotting teeth and violence in her eyes. I stayed calm with her and hoped that I could put all of my skills into practice and melt her heart.

I think I was in the green house when she was talking to me. I can't recall what happened next, but I came up out of the greenhouse and was stepping over rusty equipment to get to grandma's house.

I remember thinking... I will work with this child, but I will not allow you to use my intuitive skills for free any longer.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Eschatological Laundry List

From, If You Meet Buddha on The Road, Kill Him, by Sheldon Koop,

This is it!
There are no hidden meanings.
You can't get there from here, and besides, there is nowhere else to go.
We are all already dying, and we will be dead for a very long time.
Nothing lasts.
There is no way of getting all you want.
You can't have anything unless you let go of it.
You only get to keep what you give away.
There is no particular reason why you lost out on some things.
The world is not necessarily just. Being good does not pay off and there is no compensation for misfortune.
You have a responsibility to do your best none-the-less.
It is a random universe to which we bring order.
You don't really control anything.
You can't make anyone love you.
No one is any stonger or any weaker than anyone else.
Everyone is, in their own way, vulnerable.
There are no great men.
If you have a hero, look again, you've diminished yourself in some way.
Everyone lies, cheats, and pretends. -
All evil is potential vitality in need of transformation
All of you is worth something if only you will own it.
Progress is an illusion.
Evil can be displaced, but never eradicated, and all solutions breed new problems.
Yet, it is necessary to keep on struggling towards solutions.
Childhood is a nightmare.
Each of us is, ultimately, alone.
The most important things, each man must do for himself.
Love is not enough, but it sure helps things.
We have only ourselves and one another. That may not be much' but that is all there is.
How strange, that every so often, it all seems worth it.
We must live with the ambiguity of partial freedom, partial powers, and partial knowledge
All important decisions must be made on the basis of insufficient data.
Yet we are responsible for everything we do.
No excuses will be accepted.
You can run, but you can not hide.
It is most important to run out of scapegoats.
We must learn the power of living with our helplessness.
The only victory lies in surrender to oneself.
All of the significant battles are waged within the self.
You are free to do whatever you like, you need only face the consequences.
What do you know, for sure, anyway?
Learn to forgive yourself, again, and again and again, and again and
again and again and again and again


I woke up with such terrible fear this morning.

I was dreaming that I was in line ready to go to class with Josh V.

We filed in and we were the last ones to take our seats. I couldn't sense where I needed to be, and was annoyed with myself for not being able to find a good seat, nor know where I belong. We finally found spots with no chairs.

They handed us tiny little kindergarten chairs.

As I took my seat in that tiny chair, I realized that I am supposed to be the teacher, not the student.

Everything all mixed up with fear.... where am I supposed to be?

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Spiritual Guide

Oprah came to visit me at work and took my hand and led me to a huge room filled with jobs from all over the country. She said I could work for her in any state I wanted to. What an opportunity! I wake up and shake the sleep away, darn. Just a dream.... get up and get to the job that is real.

I get it now. We can all work for Oprah... turn your will over.... he can dream a bigger dream for you than you can ever imagine. I get it.


Saw Grandma M. in my dream last night. She was driving a car and had a friend with her. Comforting to know that in heaven maybe she is driving around, and does not have to depend on people to take her places like she did in real life.

I noticed that across the street was still all farmland. See, it never can really be destroyed, it is always there deep in my heart, and rises up in my dreams.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

The Start

Well, I have always wanted to have a blog and now I have finally taken the time to start one.

So how will this evolve? Who will even want to read this? Will I follow through?

Reading Gary Zukav, The Heart of the Soul. Amazing book, but once read you just can't leave it on the shelf to collect dust. It is a book to LIVE by. So hard to put into practice outside the safety and comfort of energy rings.

Dr. Oz talking on Oprah this week about how we are all "energy". Now that a medical doctor says it, it is true. And it becomes mainstream... for better or worse.
