
Monday, October 13, 2008

Snake or Swan?

Interesting gourd, huh? What does it look like to you?


Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

Well, I'd have to say that it looks like a swan mostly, although that stem is very tonguelike.

Fascinating gourd. I love the mottled skin on it too.

Sona said...

Snake. Between the head shape, the tongue, and the markings it makes me think snake.

Cheryl said...

Snake, because of the tongue. What an interesting squash.

Patty said...

At first glance I went with swan for the neck, and then snake for the tongue, and then I saw that both had been suggested so I took another slow look and came up with a baby garaffi (all of his legs scrunched up under him),with food in his mouth, reaching behind to scratch an itch.

What? You can't see it???