
Monday, March 15, 2010

In like a lion

March certainly came in like a lion. The weather this weekend was so windy and rainy and since the ground is still frozen the water had no where to go and our back yard flooded. The water was high up the foundation in the back of our house. We had water leaking into our family room and we couldn't even figure out where it was coming from. My husband stayed up all night on Saturday to use the wet vacuum every 10 minutes. Fortunately he was able to keep most of the carpet dry.

Some schools in the southern part of our state were closed today due to power outages and 3 people were killed due to falling trees. The weather people should have given this storm a name and warned people to be careful. They have been off of their game lately, but I think the weather is just so hard to predict these days. It sure is a mess in parts of the state.

Tonight the wind is howling out there. It is a very uneasy feeling to listen to all that wind, knowing what damage it can do.


Cheryl said...

Saturday must have been scary. I stayed up once bailing out my sump pump every 20 minutes or so. It was endless. I was lucky that no water came in. Here's hoping for better weather days your way. And that your knee holds up.

Sona said...


I can remember living in CT and we had our basement floor crack because we had tons of rain while the ground was still frozen.

Hope things dry out!

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KathyA said...

When we drove up after our flight home and saw limbs and branches strewn all over our yard and one of our shutters laying in our neighbor's yard, I was really shocked. It must have been bad. Our daughter was staying here and said it was the scariest night she'd ever stayed in our home.

Jamie said...

That sounds awful...I too, am hoping that all the bad is over now, and that no water makes it's way in.

Hugs. :)

Forsythia said...

We're had some high winds, too. Lots of tree branches down. Our yard is a mess after the storms of 2010. Our boxwood got decimated and our camellias were all bowed over. Time and a little work will make things pretty again.

KathyA said...

Hi Lena! Yes -- 9 sliders -- instead of having walls, we thought that it would be nicer in a passive solar sunroom to have all glass -- the sliders seemed the easiest way to go.

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

I hope it is feeling more like spring there now. And I hope your knee is doing better.