
Tuesday, September 23, 2008


This VT scene I took driving by in the car


Elaine's Window

Our Cat, Samwise

I spoke with my youngest son today. He is all settled in at college. There is no cell phone service up there and he is hardly ever in his dorm so we have only been communicating through e-mail. He had to take a run into the city and he was able to get service and call me at work. It was so great to hear his voice, and also the excitement in his voice about all that was going on up at school.

One thing touched me in particular. He said that he missed our family gatherings on Sundays when we all go to my parent's house for Sunday dinner and my mother's homemade tomato sauce and pasta . So he got a group of his friends together and told them about our family tradition and now every Sunday they meet at different friends houses off of campus and cook sauce and pasta. All of his friends thought it was a very cool tradition and they are all enjoying cooking and having Sunday dinner together. I loved hearing that!

This weekend is the big agricultural fair in CT. It has become a tradition over the years that we go on Friday night. My husband usually enters a painting and photography and usually wins some ribbons. This year I decided to enter some photos. I know that I probably won't win ribbons, but it will be fun to have my photos displayed.
My favorite photo is the one of my mother's pasta in her 60 year old pasta bowl. When we brought our photos in the pasta photo was the one that caught a couple of people's eyes right off of the bat. One of the guys came over to me and told me that the lighting was really good in the picture. I was so excited. So I thought it would be fun to post the photos I entered into the contest. Wish me luck!


Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

What a wonderful tradition your son has started.

Good luck with the photography. I like the pasta one too,

Bill said...

Using my psychic powers, I detect a ribbon in your immediate future.

Moohaa said...

How awesome that your son has started the new tradition.
I remember that pasta bowl pic, I still love the story behind it!

Forsythia said...

The lighting IS good on that photo of the pasta bowl. Not that I know anything about photography, but after reading that guy's remark, I went back for a second look.

Cheryl said...

The bowl is the first thing that caught my eye in the pasta photo. My mother has the same bowl, and I want to make it mine. The lighting is wonderful. All of your pictures are great in their own way. Bravo!

mosiacmind said...

How sweet it is for your son to start or continue the tradition. I liked the photos too. Hope that you have a good weekend....