
Saturday, May 2, 2009

Elder news

It has been a long week. My dad was moved to a nursing home for rehabilitation. He has been doing well there and they don't expect him to be there too much longer. I will take a ride up to see him there today. I know he is anxious to return home. I learned my lesson about discharge last time though. I am going to make sure a couple of days in advance to get the instructions to be sure everything is in place when we get him home.

When my dad was in the emergency room, he waited 3 hours until they gave him an EKG. When my sister questioned the delay, the doctor got mad at her and used the excuse that they were short staffed. She wrote a letter to the president of the hospital to complain and ask about how they plan to take care of the staffing problem. I am very curious to see what his response will be. We fear that because my dad is elderly that they don't have the sense of urgency they might have with a younger patient.

But in any case, we are sure glad he was at the ER before all of the swine flu panic hit. I saw on the news last night that the ER was breaking records for patients seen this week. It must have been a complete nightmare to have to deal with the influx of people when they are so short staffed.

In a couple of weeks I will going to a workshop called, How to Avoid Caregiver Burnout. I am bringing my mother, mother in law and my sisters! I understand that this is supposed to be an excellent presentation and I look forward to it.

How topics of interest change as we go through our lives.


KathyA said...

However short staffed they were, the doctor had no right to be nasty with anybody. We all have jobs to do and our lives are busy. If he's not happy in his, it's time to leave. I'd enjoy telling him that if you don't want to.
You are so wise in taking the class and including the rest of your family. They are all blessed to have you!

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

I agree with Kathy about the doctor.

I hope your class is helpful for you.

Forsythia said...

One hospital in our area, Holy Cross In Wheaton, MD, gives special attention to elderly people who come to the ER. After one really bad ER experience with Mom at our local hospital, and after hearing that her treatment was pretty typical of most ERs in our area, I think it's high time that other hospitals follow the lead of Holy Cross on this.