
Monday, June 4, 2012

This and that

I had a great weekend planned again. Friday night my husband had an art opening in a new funky coffee house. There was a  ribbon cutting, entertainment, and the showing of my husband's seascapes. We had a  nice time. It is always interesting to watch the women come up to my husband and get all giddy, "Oh, are you the artist?" It is a new thing to have him getting this kind of attention, but I am getting used to it. And he has his own radio show now as well and is getting friendly with some well known recording artists. That has been fun.

On Saturday I went to a bridal shower that I didn't think I would be able to go to originally because it should have been a treatment week. I had a really nice time with my friends

Sunday I was planning to go the Butterfly Museum up in MA. They have butterflies of all kinds flying around in an indoor conservatory. I haven't been there for a long time and I was so looking forward to it. And I wanted to put up some nice pictures to liven up this blog! But of all things, I pulled a muscle and was in so much pain on Sunday and I could not go. I was so mad. It was the day before round#4 of my chemo and I wanted to have fun. Instead I was stuck in the  house all day. 

Fortunately, my back was better today, so I had my treatment. It is rainy and cool today and when I walked out into the parking lot, my hands started immediately reacting to the cool weather. My lips started to burn and I had trouble with my voice. All from the cold air. It was only in the 60's today! I started to panic a little on the drive home when I started to have trouble speaking, but I worked on calming myself down and I called the oncology department to check in with them as soon as I got home.  By the time they called back, I was better but she told me it was the cold air and to stay warm. 

So I am very grateful I am going through this treatment during the spring and summer and should be done by sometime in the fall. Finding a blessing in a bad situation is helpful! 

I had some good news on Friday.  I had to go for a procedure and it was thought I would be needing surgery. During the procedure my surgeon said there was nothing bad she saw, nothing that required surgery, just an irritation like a rug burn and it should heal on it's own. YES! Best news I heard in a long time!

I thank you all who are hanging in with me. I really have come to love you all and  I have a hope that someday I can meet some of you in person.


Cheryl said...

Your husband's a celebrity, huh? That's pretty cool. You'll have to let us see some of his art. What does he do on his radio show?

Sorry you couldn't go to the would have been different and fun. You'll have to plan an activity for after your next round. Something you like to do, like me and 'my' Annapolis.

Thanks for sticking with me!

Maria said...

Some really fun stuff going on with the hubby. How cool is that? How is his mom doing? I hope all is well with her.
Damn pulled muscle. I know how painful they are~due to the nasty weather I am dealing with a hideous stiff neck...can't turn, look's so uncomfortable.
Hopefully some nice, warm weather is on the way.
Can't wait to see some butterflies

~you always take such beautiful pictures.
And great news about not needing surgery! Just the thought of you finishing up treatment makes me wish fall was here! In case you haven't noticed..we've come to love you, too!! It would be so much fun if we could meet up one day...something to definitely look forward to!!

Josie Two Shoes said...

I love you for finding something positive always... yes, if the "cool" of 60 causes problems, wintertime would be downright scary. I'm so glad you recovered from that little scare quickly. Another speedbump overcome!

Darn it! Regarding the pulled muscle. The butterfly place sounds amazing, I would love it, so would John. Hopefully you'll have another chance to go soon!

Thanks for your thoughtful comments on my blog, you always give me more to think about!

Take care, and "git er done"! :-)

Forsythia said...

Hiss, boo for the pulled muscle! That cold-air reaction is so weird.

So glad about your good news on Friday. Looking forward to hearing about a wonderful summer.

KathyA said...

That is good news!

You'll get to the butterfly place...I look forward to seeing your photos of them. Meanwhile, I'll be on the lookout for b-flies for you.