
Tuesday, October 2, 2012


My husband and I at Cape Cod.

I am on round #10 of 12 chemo therapy. Two more to go! Can she do it? YES SHE CAN!

I can not wait to be done and if all goes according to schedule, I will be done on Oct. 31, Halloween!

I have so many mixed feelings. I have been at this for one and a half years now and in some ways I still have not wrapped my head around it. I try to stay positive, but there are times I feel so scared and feel it is impossible to fend off 2 cancers from coming back. I try to wipe out the fear and stay on the track of moving towards health!

I am watching too much TV being home everyday, but also reading loads of books. That makes up for the boob tube watching, but it still keeps me sedentary. I have to move more and I am working on it. Slowly, but surely!

I have discovered a new blog that I have become obsessed with:

The writing is real and raw and she has created a community of caring and giving people. It brings me such joy to read even though I end up crying most of the time. Take a visit there and let me know what you think about it!


Forsythia said...

Two good-looking folks at Cape Cod. I feel like I know them.

I think it's completely possible to fend off two cancers. Eat lots of fruits and veggies, and don't forget to have some candy on Halloween.

I looked at The questions are all over the place and very interesting, as are the answers, I'm sure. I just don't have time right now. We have a daughter who is often overwhelmed by life in general, and the winter season is always a downer for her. I'm kind of battening down the hatches right now, hoping for an OK winter for all concerned.

Maria said...

Yay for you! You look fantastic!!
I've been thinking about you every day. You really need to check in here more often..(no
we miss you.
Kick fear to the curb. It's totally useless to worry. Just continue doing what you've been doing to get yourself healthy. It's working. This is going to be a very sweet (pun intended) Halloween! You're almost there.
I'm so happy for you. You're in my prayers every day.
I've read momastery ever since I heard about her from Kelle's blog.
She is something else. So courageous & so inspiring; doing so much to help others. I'm telling you, our little blog world is full of amazing, inspiring, creative women. It's all I read any more. I'm so addicted.
Anyway, sorry for being so long winded~I've missed you. Take care of yourself & enjoy every second of this beautiful autumn. Don't forget about

Maria said...

Lena~just stumbled upon another blog you might be interested in~ I haven't read it yet but I've read her story & it seems very interesting.
Let me know what you think.

Josie Two Shoes said...

It was so good to hear from you, I've been thinking about you and wondering how things were going. I love this photo of the two of you... great memories made! :-) For sure you can have a double win, believe it! Get thru these last two rounds and you'll have a great reason to light up your corner for Halloween! (((Hugs)))

Forsythia said...

So it's, not "monastery." I'll look it up. I guess it's time to get new glasses. :-)