
Saturday, August 8, 2009

Fashion Emergencies

I didn't mention that when I tried on my dress for the wedding that I noticed a small dark stain on the front of the dress. I only had the dress on for a few minutes and did nothing but walk up and down the hallway with my new shoes on. I don't see how I could have done anything to cause a stain, so I figured it was from the store. Without thinking I went and got a cloth with cold water and tried to get the stain out. Then I had a huge water mark on the dress that did not seem to be drying. So I put the dress in front of the fan and hoped that would do the trick. Well, sort of... most of the ring dried by now I had another spot that would not leave.

After a week of fretting about it, I brought it to a cleaner and when I took it in the girl at the front desk told me there was nothing they could do and I would just have to wear it or buy another dress. My heart sank. But after she went on and on discouraging me, she decided to get the guy from the back who actually cleans the clothes. (why could she not do this first off?) He examined the stain and smiled a big smile as he picked up the dress and whisked it away. I admit I was nervous as he just took the dress and did not ask my permission to work on it, but all was well, because he just steamed it out and it is a good as new!

I only have to put it on one more time before the wedding to have it hemmed. I am not used to all this fancy smancy and I feel so nervous around that dress!

The shoe situation did not pan out too well. The shoes that I got that everyone deemed perfect for the dress had heels that were too high for me. My knees felt like they were literally breaking in half and the muscles on my hips were pained. After looking around for weeks for something better, I brought them to the shoemaker for a little experiment. He is cutting down the heel to a height that I can handle on other shoes. We don't know for sure how this will work, but he thought it was possible that it would be good. I have no idea. I also have a back up pair of very plain low heeled shoes.

I am concerned how I am going to get through this wedding without orthotics. (I usually wear orthoics and sneakers or some other study tie shoe). I am planning to keep crutches and a pair of sneakers in the car for absolute crisis control and Ibuprofen every 4-6 hours to keep the pain at bay. I am also getting some lubricant shots in my knee starting in a week, so hopefully those will help. But I do have to worry about not doing more damage.

Perhaps I can dance like Paula does on American Idol. You know how she just gets up from her chair and wiggles around in place waving her hands in the air. I want to have some fun! After all, it is my son's wedding!


KathyA said...

Don't fret about the dress. You're not to going to ruin it by trying it on again. -- Just stay away from chocolate, grape juice, tomato sauce, car emissions, oil, air....
Great idea about the shoes. If your heel has a bit of height, you might not need the orthotics. Do you have a Nordstrom's near by? They are great at accommodating 'shoe needs'.
Keep us posted.

Cheryl said...

I fretted a lot about my outfit for my reunion. First the right dress, then the right undergarments, then the shoes, then how to get the wrinkles out of the dress, etc. It all worked out. Thank goodness you were able to get the stain out! That would have been a disaster. I hope the shoes work for you. I never ever wear heels. I tried on a zillion pairs of shoes at DSW till I found the perfect ones that were actually comfortable. When the wedding comes, you'll be perfect.

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

My heart sank when I read about the stain. I'm so glad he fixed it.

Good luck getting the shoe situation resolved.