
Saturday, March 17, 2012

Saturday update

 Thank you all for your kind words of support! I so appreciate that you all checked in with me.

I took my leave of absence from work.  Last Friday was my last day for about one month.  I decided to take the week off before my surgery because I so needed some time to myself. It has been way too much this past year.  My co-workers were so sweet and gave me a gift certificate to a local musical theater for a send off gift. It will be a great thing to do when I am feeling better!  People were coming up to me with all kinds of supportive and loving remarks with intentions to pray for me. It was so comforting and I felt so lucky to have so many caring people around me. 

I tried to take some time for myself this week as well as run around to all the doctor appointments I had to keep. I had a massage, Reiki last week, meditated, art therapy, went to a new workshop on SoulCollage (will write more on that later) went to lunch with my husband, shopped with my sister, and napped when ever I could. Tried to get a head of the housework, but gave that up. 

On Monday, March 19, I will be having laprascopic surgery. I am going in around 9:00 A.M. hopefully surgery will be around 10:00 A.M. They will remove the tumor and reattach my colon. I have spoken to 3 people who have had this surgery and they all have done fine. Very encouraging!  I will be in the hospital anywhere from 3- 6 days and recovery time should be 2-3 weeks.

The tumor will go to pathology and we will await the report for the stage. The G.I. doctor said early stage, but there is no mention of the staging on the report. I am most anxious about getting that report to know what the treatment plan will be. I know... one day at a time... that is all I can do ... all I have been doing.

I have been working through my feelings not burying them. I go from sad, mad, scared, and then manage to go about my day and be as happy as possible. Then at some point, it starts all over again.  I ride the waves like I did last time. One foot in front of the other with faith and support is the only way to go forward. 

I had my first mammogram since last year on Thursday. I had 3 dreams that it would be fine and it was. It was nice to have someone come in and give me good news and hug me. I want more good news. 

And so it is.


Josie Two Shoes said...

Thank you so much for the update. You wll be surrounded by prayers during surgery and I'm believing this too can have a positive outcome, so you can heal and get on with the business of living! It sounds like overall you are doing pretty damn good with dealing with things each day, especially the emotional aspect, although I know you are sick of hearing it, you have done a good job of doing everything proactive you can to help your body and mind instead of just curling up in the corner. Down the road you will look back on this time and wave it goodbye... and smile! I just know it! HUGS and HEALING COMING YOUR WAY, Josie

Maria said...

Oh Lena, so glad you updated. I've been thinking about you every day & praying for a positive outcome. Sounds like you've been keeping yourself busy with good, nurturing things. Keep it up. I will be praying that everything goes well on Monday. I'm sure it will. Stay strong & please keep us posted. Behind you all the way.

Andrew said...

I am thinking of you as always! You need any blog chores done then I am our mam. Only the best of luck do you deserve.

Forsythia said...

You will again be in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow morning when you go into surgery, Lena. I'll be at the dentist getting my teeth cleaned, something I hate with a vengeance, but I will pray like mad for you. You have set such a good example for all of us by working through your feelings and not burying them.

Cheryl said...

I'm thinking good thought. Praying for clear pathology. Wishing you could feel my hug!