
Thursday, March 29, 2012

A year later

It has been one year since I was diagnosed with her 2 positive breast cancer. I have had 6 rounds of chemotherapy, 33 sessions of radiation,  taking a hormone pill,  and have been on Herceptin an I.V. drug almost one year. The last dose should be the end of May. I have been through a lot and I would like to say that although it wasn't easy, it was easier than I thought it would be. I lucked out in some ways as far as not experiencing some of the more intense side effects. 

Now a year later, here I sit one week after surgery for a cancerous tumor in my colon. The tumor was removed, my colon reattached and my lymph nodes biopsied. They found out that I have 2 positive lymph nodes and will require more chemo therapy. I had no idea how many lymph nodes there are. My doctor said there are hundreds of them and to only have 2 positive puts it into perspective, but because the cancer traveled into my nodes at all, means they will have to treat it aggressively. 

I see my oncologist on Friday to find out what the treatment plan will entail. I have no idea if he will also recommend radiation and I have no idea how many rounds of chemo. They did tell me however, that the chemo they use for colon cancer does not  make you lose your hair. I found that to be a comfort, since I just got my hair BACK! I don't know what other side effects I will need to deal with and I am waiting to have the appointment to learn what is in store for me.

I know that everyone feels badly for me. It was not the news that I wanted to hear and the surgeon told me when I was getting ready to leave the hospital last Friday. When she walked in and said, "We have to talk," my heart sank. 

 I learned a great deal about myself last year. I am stronger than I think I am and I have a very supportive circle of family and friends who are standing by my side once again. I can do this. I did it once and I can do it again. I will keep working all the angles; art therapy, counseling, massage, all the things that helped me to cope last year and hopefully I will get through it again and it will the last time! 


Josie Two Shoes said...

As I read your last paragraph with so much courage and determination between the words, one word comes directly from my heart to yours... AMEN! Amen sister, Amen! You can do this, yes you can. We know it! Sending you much love,

Maria said...

I have been thinking about you all week, waiting for an update. I've prayed & will continue to pray for a full recovery. Your plan of attack sounds perfect. Continue nourishing yourself & remain open to all of the love & good thoughts coming your way. You're an amazing woman & I wish you nothing but the strength to carry on, a clear head to focus on yourself & your healing & peace of mind. Stay strong. You have a world of support at your fingertips.
Much love,