
Sunday, February 1, 2009

Dream world

I had a dream last night that I was talking to a work colleague and she asked me if the game pieces from a board game were interchangeable with the other board games. I had no idea. I didn't think so even though I didn't know what game she was actually talking about. In my mind I saw the game pieces from Trivial Pursuit. Seemed pretty insignificant to me in the dream and the dream just continued on about work stuff. I woke up at one point and fell back to sleep.

Later, I had another dream that I was with a different group of people and a friend of mine in that dream asked me the same question. Were the game pieces interchangeable? I told her that it was odd that someone had already asked me that question earlier. So this time I asked her if she was talking about Milton Bradley games. Neither of us knew the answer in the dream, although of course in real life I know that they are not.

When I woke up this morning I immediately remembered both dreams and had a feeling that it was my sub conscious trying to help me figure out something important in my life. I know many times dreams can be so random, but other times they are filled with symbolism that can bring a great deal of insight into our lives.
So I am thinking about what the symbolism might be and what in my life is or is not interchangeable.
If anyone has any comments about the dream, I would love to hear them.


KathyA said...

Very, very interesting. And so clear! (I mean the memory of the dreams; not the symbolism).
You may be trying to make sense of a confusing situation. Is there some conundrum that has been bothering you?

Bill said...

I'm wondering how "Trivial Pursuit" ties in.

Patty said...

Since dreams items are suppose to be componates of ourselves then let's say that you would be the game pieces. The question of whether or not they are interchangable may be answered by looking at the different roles you claim for yourself and examine whether or not they are interchangable. Are there componates of you as a mother that you bring to the work role, or are there componates of you as an employee that you drag into your marriage (if you are in a position of authority do you tend to boss your spouse around for example)? OR, do you have all these roles compartmentilized and never allow them to spill over on to one another?

How does those ideas feel to you Lena? A dream interprutation only works if it feels right to the dreamer. I bet if you just let the dreams sit for a while you will figure out their message.

Lena said...

I have been thinking about the dreams and I believe that it has to do with a friend of mine who is going through a difficult time and how I have been relating to her situation.

While she has her issues and I have my own, for awhile there it did all seem interchangeable. Like she was speaking my mind when I couldn't.

As for Trivial Pursuit...I don't know...maybe in the big picture some of the issues are just plain trivial.

Thank you for your comments!

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

The other thing that happens with me is that if I don't figure out what my subconscious is telling me, it will keep working at it. Your interpretation sounds right, but it seems like you still have questions. You might try asking your subconscious for clarification and seeing what happens. Maybe nothing will, but it couldn't hurt.

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

The other thing that happens with me is that if I don't figure out what my subconscious is telling me, it will keep working at it. Your interpretation sounds right, but it seems like you still have questions. You might try asking your subconscious for clarification and seeing what happens. Maybe nothing will, but it couldn't hurt.