
Thursday, May 5, 2011

As the world turns

I have been recuperating nicely. I feel good and have lots of energy that I can't really do anything with! I am very sore still, but it seems to be getting better every day. I am up and dressed to day and plan to do a bit of organizing around here. It will feel good. I am not on any pain medication other than prescription Ibuprofen and it is working just fine.

When I was at the hospital on Monday and they were sticking me with a needle to put in the wire for the surgery, they were trying to distract me, by asking me about the royal wedding and how I felt about Bin Laden's death. To be truthful, I hadn't watched the wedding much. I saw a couple of shots of her dress on the news and that was all that interested me.

Once I heard Bin Laden was dead, I turned off the TV. It didn't make sense to wait for the president to come on to tell us what we already knew. The whole thing kind of scared me and I didn't believe we would be safer with him dead, anyways. I never saw the crowds rejoicing.

I had no opinion on anything, I had spent the last few days concentrating on myself and navigating this new cancer world that I was now a part of and that was all I could take in. The world turned without me paying much attention. I didn't realize how out of touch I was until I saw the look on everyone's faces at the hospital. You would think they of all people would have understood that I had other things on my mind.


KathyA said...

I'm sure they understood. And you have every right to be concentrating only on yourself right now. But I remember experiencing the same thing -- I was totally out of touch for about two weeks.

Forsythia said...

Glad you are home and recuperating. Your candle is burning brightly at Saint Mary of the Mills Church in Laurel, MD. I love the name of the church. It goes back to the days when Laurel had textile mills that made ship sails.

Cheryl said...

I enjoyed watching the wedding. Especially the fashions. I watched Obama, but none of the follow-up. I had no interest in that. Sometimes its good to be out of touch.

Jamie said...

Have an awesome day today! Biggest are in my thoughts. :)