
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

My younger son moved out last Sunday, making our home an official empty nest. He has been out of college for a couple years, working 3 part time jobs looking for something in his field. In the middle of all of that, he met a girl from out of state and they hit it off and he has been dating her for over one year. He was back and forth every weekend and day off when he could. His goal was to find a job in her city and move up there and be closer to her. It all worked out for him and we are all glad that it did.

When I first got my diagnosis he began to doubt that he wanted to follow through with his plan because he felt he would be needed here at home due to my recent diagnosis. It was all so new and I don't think either one of my sons knew what to expect and how this would play out.

I told my son that he needed to go and live his life that I would be fine, and if indeed we needed him, he was only a couple of hours away. But in my mind, I was glad he would not be around for those days when things might get tough for me.

So once he got the job, it was just a couple of weeks before he moved out. I was in my own little cancer world and didn't take the time to take him shopping and buy some things for his apartment, you know spend some mom and son time. He didn't need me to do that, but I wanted to and couldn't get it together with so much else on my mind. It was even hard for me to be excited for his new job because I was so preoccupied with my health.

We had one night when we all went to dinner and that was nice. So on move -out day we decided to drive up and help him with extra boxes and see his place and get the tour of the city. The plan was for me and my husband to follow him up, but instead I rode up with my son. This gave us some time to have some good conversation and he allowed me to give him a bunch of unasked for mother advice. I didn't over do it, and we had some good and enlightening conversations. A great drive up there!

It was a nice distraction from my pending surgery to spend the day before with him and his girl and to get a peek at where he would be working and his new neighborhood. Beautiful weather, good company, and a great lunch together.

The next morning I headed to the hospital.

Later in the day when surgery was over and I was home, my older son and his wife stopped by with homemade pot roast and offers to be on hand if we needed anything at all. It was so great to see them standing there when I woke up from my nap, still a bit loopy from the anesthesia.

Usually, we take my mom and all go out for a brunch on Mother's Day. But this year is a little different. My own mom was in the hospital for 4 days this week and gave us all quite a scare, but she is home and doing well now, but needs to take it easy.

My older sister will be making dinner for me and my mom and I get to go out of the house for a little while today! I still don't have clearance to go back to work, but the nurse said I could visit my mom on Mother's Day as long as I practiced scrupulous hand washing.

My older son will be coming over with his wife later, and I will see my youngest next weekend.

It was hard on me this week because I could not get up to see my mom in the hospital, due to my surgery. It was hard on my mom because she ended up in the hospital, and she could not visit me after my surgery. Mom and daughter did not like being away from each other in such trying times.

So it is a different kind of Mother's Day this year and we are just going with the flow and will make it a good one!

And to all the moms out there, Happy Mother's Day, to you!


Josie Two Shoes said...

Life sure has a way of throwing kinks in the plans we make and the way we'd like things to be, but it sounds like everyone in your world is doing ok today, and that's a real blessing in itself. I'm believing that next year you will all be celebrating a typical Mother's Day together with much to be grateful for!

Jamie said...

I love that you make the best of things. That is a wonderful quality and not easily found. I am happy to hear your happy mood. Keep it up, friend. It will all be just fine. Big hugs. J.

Forsythia said...

Happy Mother's Day to you, too. And to your Mom.

Cheryl said...

I'm glad you were able to spend the day with most of your family. Not your usual Mother's Day, but a good alternative. Good news that your mom is out of the hospital. That must have been hard for you. And your son...sounds like a good move for him. I wish it wasn't so far away, though.

I'm glad you're posting so often!

KathyA said...

No, not your usual Mother's Day, but still a really nice one. How sweet of your DIL and son to provide a nice dinner for you.

We've had an empty nest for about a year now -- it's nice. I sometimes miss the kids, but two of them are close enough for us to get a quick fix if we need one!