
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Another round

                                                                        Treatment room

Time goes by quickly and I am already on day 3 of  round #2.
The side effects last time were what I expected. Lots of G.I. issues, some nausea, burning tongue, metal taste in my mouth, and other stuff. I needed to spend one whole day in bed  on Thursday and then started to perk up later that evening. By Sunday I was feeling good and energy back so I decided to go back to work on Monday after being out for a month.

Going back to work was a good thing. It felt good to get my mind occupied with other things other than my medical issues! I saw how some things fell through the cracks when I was gone even though a pool of people were covering for me. I felt needed! 

I decided that I can only work every other week and we worked out my leave so that will be possible. We will see how it goes. I know I have to put my health first and as long as I can avoid the stressful assignments, I will be OK. And I know people are going out of their way to make sure I am not getting stressed. The support is awesome.

I didn't have the cold sensitivity side effect last round, but it sure kicked up for this round. I have to be so careful and it is hard. It is kind of damp outside so touching dishes, silverware, or even the kitchen counters is cause for concern. I turned the heat up to keep the house warmer, but does not seem to help much. So I am using plastic utensils and making the best of it! The sensation is alarming. Fingertips burn and feel like I have had an electrical shock that lasts for a few minutes. Seems like a long time when it is happening. 

On the up side, I  can  shower on my own because my husband but a nice strong hook up to hold the pump while I am in the shower and put in a hand held shower. I even was able to wash my hair keeping the port and pump dry!  So we have learned to adapt! 

I have nothing much else to share as my life revolves around my treatments lately, but I am hoping now that I will settle into the routine and start to enjoy the days more. 


Forsythia said...

That cold-sensitivity side effect sounds so weird.

I am glad you went back to work and had a good day there. Of course things fell through the cracks while you were gone. :-) You come across as a person who notices details and takes care of problems before things get out of hand.

Josie Two Shoes said...

The cold sensitivity thing is new to me too, it doesn't sound like much fun, none of it does, but I am glad that recover from each session with the determination to get back to work and do what you can. I'm sure they were just as glad to have you back! You are in my prayers daily, and we'll be waiting for that bell to ring when this is over. HUGS!

Maria said...

So good to see a new post. You sound amazingly strong & up for the fight, you warrior, you! It's funny how we learn to settle into any routine & adapt. You are always on my mind & always in my prayers. I forgot to tell you that the new header pic is beautiful! I love, love, love the ocean. Here's to warm weather & many healing days there for you.
Much love,

Cheryl said...

Since I got my iPad I've hardly been on my laptop and therefore not on Reader. For days now I've meant to write a comment to say I always think about you and wonder how you are. I got on my laptop just for you and I'm so happy to see a new post. Know that when you write you have an audience waiting for you.

You have a great attitude during such a bad time. Sounds like you've got good people all around you. I'm so glad.

Stay in touch!

Candy said...

I like your blog. Great info.