
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Art Show

The art show was a huge success! I can't explain what a surreal evening it was for my husband, and for me, too! When I walked into the gallery and saw all of his paintings displayed, I could not believe they were the same paintings that have been hanging in our house. The lighting brought them alive! At first I was overwhelmed, because I realized that hanging on the wall was our life. All the places we have gone together on vacation over the years. VT, The Cape, MA, Star Island, to name a few.

My husband only started to paint about 4 years ago. He had never even tried it before then. He has sure come a long way!

I was overwhelmed with the turn out of family and friends, all 77 of them! Amazing! The gallery was hopping. There was a jazz band playing and a dinner buffet as well. We went through 3 boxes of wine and lots of cheese and cracker and goodies!

I have posted a few of the favorites. They were hard to photograph due to the bright lights shining on them, but I did my best. The most amazing thing of all was that he sold 4 paintings! He was just amazed, grateful, and very humble, if I do say so myself. It was truly one of the most exciting evenings we have ever had and life changing in many ways!


Forsythia said...

I wish I could have visited the galley. Your husband's paintings look so tantalizing. I don't know which one I would have liked the most, but my eye was drawn to the porch with flags and the chickens.

Forsythia said...
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Cheryl said...

Your husband really has natural talent. Amazing that he's only been painting for 4 years. The gallery showing sounded like such a wonderful event for the entire family.

KathyA said...

How exciting for you and your husband. He should be very proud of himself.

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

What a great experience for your husband. I can see why you are so proud of him.

Moohaa said...

I'm so happy for you both! What a validation of his talent and love of art. I LOVE the oceanside painting. Beautiful!

Jamie said...

How lucky for you to be able to live among such beauty..and I love his work! I am amazed that he just started painting, and this is what he could do! I just proves that talent is a natural thing.

Have a happy Tuesday friend! :)