
Saturday, September 5, 2009


Labor day weekend. No barbecue plans. I should have had a cook out here, but with my husband's art show next Friday night and the bridal shower I am throwing next Saturday, I didn't want to think about having to host another event! So I am trying to prepare for the big weekend and have a zillion things to do yet.

The local paper did a nice article and color photo of the husband and his opening. If everyone who says they are coming come, then we should have a nice crowd. I want to enjoy next weekend and not get so stressed out about it. We are going to be seeing so many family and friends and to me nothing is better, so I am trying to calm down and remember to ENJOY. Fun times go so fast.

Last night we went out with some friends to a local winery and that was fun. Today after a dip in the pool (finally warm enough to swim again) and all of my errands, we took a ride down to the shoreline for a seafood dinner. Pleasant evening.

Wedding is now almost a month away. We are still trying to find someone to stay over night with my dad and he is still telling us he doesn't want anyone there. I will try to talk to him tomorrow, and try to make him understand that as hard as it is, it isn't his choice.


Jamie said...

Your are SO right...we do get so wrapped up in the preparations of these kind of events that we forget to relax and enjoy it at all!

Have a happy week.

I am a new reader but I will be back. :)

KathyA said...

I think you're wise for having a relaxing weekend before all the big stuff happens. You deserve some down time. Enjoy yourself.

Moohaa said...

I think taking it easy before an event is so much better then going crazy - which is what I tend to do. Relaxing leaves you refreshed to be able to handle everything. Huge wishes for good luck for the art show! How exciting. Take lots of pics for us!

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

I don't know if you are like me, but I sometimes get more stressed out worrying that things will go well for my husband than I do for myself because I hate it when he's disappointed.

I'm hoping that the art show goes fabulously well. I would like pictures too . . . if your husband doesn't object.