
Thursday, September 10, 2009

Odds and ends

I put in to take today off as a personal day thinking I would make Pizzelles for the bridal shower on Saturday. I was remembering how my grandmother and her friends would get together and make Italian cookies for all the showers and wanted to carry on the tradition. But this personal day has turned into a sick day. I have a miserable cold and I am sneezing, coughing, and my head is all stuffed up. I am trying to take it easy today. I am on my inhalers, using the shower soothers, and taking Cold-Eeze. Usually all of these remedies work pretty fast with me, but I don't think I started soon enough.

So I totally over did it, after saying I wouldn't. Well, there was so much to do and so much running around just in getting the centerpieces for the tables. I had decided on mums. But the first batch I bought were too small. So I bought bigger ones. Then I was going to wrap the pots in fall colored floral paper. I thought that would be easy to find. Guess again! I could only find a bright gold and it didn't match. So next I was going to buy terracotta pots and put them all in them as the sales lady did at the store. She just threw a shower and said how beautiful they looked. At the first bridal shower my daughter in laws mother used the Terra cotta pots so I also didn't want to copy her. I didn't have the energy to go back to Micheal's to get the pots , anyway. I had some baskets that I was going to use for the other mums, but the baskets were too big. So I tried them out with my newly purchased mums and they looked great. I brought the basket to the garden shop and showed the sales lady and she loved the look. But I still needed a couple more baskets, so off to get those. I don't do anything the easy way, because I never know what I am doing and what I need.

So by putting them in the baskets, I was saved of the work of transplanting them into the pots. Yeah!

So tomorrow night is the big art opening for the husband. I am amazed at the response he is getting from friends, work colleagues, my work colleagues, and family. Even family who were invited to the shower the very next day. I am kind of nervous for him, but I think he will do fine. I will take photos for sure!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

You had better take care of yourself..why do we always get sick when there are so many things going on?

I have no patience for the "perfect" centerpiece. I used to love doing things like that, anymore, I sort of throw it all together and hope for the best. Not exactly the best plan, so I applaud your creativity.

Have a wonderful shower - and don't forget to have fun, too.

I want to see the pics of your husbands art! :)