
Saturday, October 10, 2009

Still chillin'

I got up this morning to the smell of homemade pumpkin bread in the oven. The husband was up early and got busy in the kitchen. I am now enjoying a piece right out of the oven with a hot cup of tea. A perfect way to start an October morning.

Yesterday's massage was so relaxing. I haven't had one in a long while and I needed one. My massage therapist works on a 93 year old man who has been having massages once a week for the past 46 years. I would like to be able to schedule them weekly, but maybe I will start with once a month. I can't quite get to the place where I feel I would deserve them once a month, let alone once a week.

I am heading down to the hotel tonight to stay overnight. The bride and her mom will be there so we will have an opportunity to hang out and relax. But first I am off to get a manicure!


KathyA said...

I would love to do weekly massages, too, but after a while it gets pricey, so I try to do one a month. I'm so excited for you about the wedding -- it's here already! I hope you have a wonderful time. Maybe you can schedule a massage for this week -- just to de-stress from the wedding!

Jamie said...

I was thinking about you/the wedding today...

Just remember to slow down in the middle of the chaos and enjoy it...

This is a once in a lifetime thing.

Hugs, friend. Have a wonderful time. :)

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

I hope it is all going well.