
Wednesday, December 9, 2009

White Wednesdsay

We are hit with our first big snow storm this morning and schools are closed. That means a day off for me! Who does not enjoy a snow day? I am hoping we can dig out and the streets clear up so we can get up to the hospital earlier than we usually do.

I took Monday off to spend it with my dad. He was awful over the weekend, but much better Monday morning. When ever we go to visit, he will always cry when he first sees us. I take it to mean that he is happy to see us.

The nurse ordered a Reiki treatment for him because I asked her to. I was thinking of something that would relax him naturally. Unfortunately he began to have a medical problem and was not able to participate. The volunteer told me that I could take his place, that they offer the service to family and friends. I was so happy to take him up on the offer, and I found it to be so relaxing.

After that treatment, I headed into a family meeting with the doctors and it was nice to have had some time to relax a bit so I was feeling so centered.

There is so much going on, but due to privacy, I am holding back writing about the nitty gritty and gut wrenching stuff. It would sure make good posts, but I have to remember that I am not the only child in our family, and I know my siblings would be furious to see anything too private posted on here. I don't tell them about my blog, but I it wouldn't be impossible for them to recognize my posts if they were to land on it.

My husband has been doing a fine job of keeping the house and things running. I am so unfocused when I am home, and at work, too. I have lost my brand new watch, my long time address book, and a couple of other things. My head is spinning and I am not keeping good track of my things.

Before we left the hospital last night, dad asked where his shoes were. I know he is thinking about an escape plan. That makes me smile in a way. He is planning and plotting his way out of there so I don't feel he is ready to give up just yet.


Forsythia said...

Happy Snow Day! They're wonderful. Thoughts and prayers for you and your family.

Jamie said...

Snow day here, too.

I am continuing to pray for you, and your family. I am not able to write all that I want to on my blog, for the same reasons, so I totally understand. Hang in, it will get better.

Hugs, friend.

Jules said...

Keep your head up, plod forward Lena. We are rooting for ya!

KathyA said...

You seem to be doing really well, in spite of your adversity. Feel all the positive energy we're sending your way. Your husband sounds like a really good man.
Can you arrange to have a massage. It may really help.

Moohaa said...

No snow here yet. Thank goodness.

Sounds like things are going ok for you and thats good. You know you can change your blog to be only visible to who you choose it to be. Just an option. I don't let anyone in my life know about my blog. If I didn't have that outlet, I'd go crazy.
