
Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Just chilling

On vacation this week, but still had to go in for a little bit to catch up on work. I met a friend of mine for lunch at Panera Bread first though. We have been friends since middle school and believe me that is a long time! We sat for two and a half hours chatting before we parted ways and I headed off to the office.

Came home and made a chicken stir fry with fresh asparagus... mmm good... and quick!

Tonight is Idol night. I was very disappointed last week to hear that Michael John got the boot. I so enjoyed his performances. But David and David are still in the running and I hope one of them wins. I may have to start voting!


Mike said...

That is great that you have stayed in touch with your friend for so long. Enjoy your vacation!

Moohaa said...

I'm glad you enjoyed your visit. Too fun. I have one friend from middle school. We stay in touch with emails. It's fun.