
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The weather this week has been just glorious. Sunny and so warm, that I have not even needed a coat or sweater when I go out. I haven't spent too much time outside though, because I am trying so hard to get things done on the inside, and I did have to run to the office a couple of days and catch up. I managed to at the very least sit outside on the deck and read a magazine from cover to cover.

I made a meatloaf stuffed with spinach and cheese yesterday and it came out really good. I looked up a few recipes on-line, and took ideas from all of them and made it my own.

Every time I have a week off, I see it speeding by so fast even before it has begun. This week, I really tried to stay in the now and appreciate each day and not think about how quickly it was passing. It helped to make me appreciate the days more and made the week seem longer.

We are heading up to see my son at his college for the weekend. I am looking forward to spending time with him on his campus, because we don't get up there very often. Looks like the beautiful weather will keep up for the trip.

I am hoping to get some great pictures this weekend and will post when I can.

1 comment:

mosiacmind said...

I hope that you have a really good weekend. I hope too the weather is good.