
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Little joys

I went to my Feldenkrais lesson this afternoon, she said that she could see that my movements and my body positions are much better. I noticed over the weekend that I seemed to handle all the walking in Vermont much better, too. I still have pain that won't leave me because of my injury, but when I am working with my practitioner, I feel connected to my body and so flexible.
It has been worth the weekly classes and the few exercises that I need to do during the week.

I got myself outside in the yard after supper and raked and even mowed the lawn some. I realized that I spent the winter as a couch potato and just didn't have the motivation to get up and moving because I was letting the pain get the best of me and bring me down. It felt good to overcome the urge to sit in front of the TV tonight and fall asleep.

As I was outside raking, I just kept thinking about all the things I was grateful for -the yard to rake, a summer like evening, the flowers, being able to walk, the smell of the newly mowed grass, all those little joys helped me not to focus on the pain and to enjoy the now.


Forsythia said...

I go to a massage therapist every 2 weeks. The therapist specializes in pain management. It works, but if I have a skip a week, I feel it.

Andrew said...

I have to do the same thing with my mental illness. Focus on the postive. I am just so glad to have my sanity today and glad you aren't in pain. Have a great week!!!

mosiacmind said...

What is Feldenkrais? I will try to look it up on the internet but am curious what you have to say about it. I am thinking of going to a pain specialist. I am always glad to hear when people share their lj's aka little joys.......

Cheryl said...

Life is all about those little joys. I'm glad you were able to enjoy the day!

Moohaa said...

Being in pain and then being relieved of it is the biggest bringer of gratitude. It's an amazing thing. I'm so glad you're experiencing it!

Diane Vogel Ferri said...

i spent the winter in pain and not being able to move much - it just consumed me. Hope yours will be gone for good. What is Feldenkrais?

Patty said...

Thanks for sharing your gratitude with us Lena.