I had a day today. When I say that I mean I am emotionally and physically exhausted.
It is so early and I am already in bed. I had a hot bath and I have a hot cup of tea and I plan to visit blogs, and watch the current download of Oprah's Soul Series. This is my way of shutting down and de-stressing.
I had my medical test this morning and it was inconclusive so I have to go back and have some more that are more invasive. It wasn't the news I wanted to hear, so I was disappointed.
My appointment started off rocky. No one gave me any instructions so I had eaten a light breakfast this morning. WRONG! I was not supposed to eat. Plus my doctor's office gave me some wrong information about the test and when I went in and told them what I expected and it was all wrong, they were not happy with me. I felt like a bad patient at the start!
But it all turned around and after part of the test was over and we were waiting for the doctor, I was telling my technician about my son and his heart defect and the camp he used to go to for kids who had heart surgery. We were yakking and yakking and one story led to another as the doctor had some emergency so we had time to chat.
I told her about the story of my son's friend who had a very serious heart defect. He was older than my son and one of his first counselor's he had at the camp. My son admired this boy and looked up to him. When my son became older and was able to become a counselor himself, he was thrilled to be working by Nick's side. The two of them would stay up all night and make plans on how they would market the camp to extend the sessions to help more kids, and make the camp into a full time job for everyone who loved it so much.
My son did know just how serious his friend's condition was until one day he received a call informing him that Nick had unexpectedly passed away. He was in his early 20's when he died. It was just an ordinary day and Nick was playing baseball with his friends from college. He hit a home run and as he was sliding into the home plate, he died.
After I told the story, the technician and I both burst into tears. She asked me the name of the camp and said she was going to make a donation to them today.
While I was there, my husband was bringing his dad for surgery. He was scheduled for one surgery and ended up with two surgeries. Lots of stuff going back and forth with that all afternoon while I was back at work. I was taking cell phone calls from my husband in the time out room because there was no where else I could find privacy today as my office was hopping with everyone from under the sun!
FIL is doing well, but still in recovery.
Little joy for today: An exceptionally good hair day, which I haven't had in quite some time. Sometimes it is the little things that you have to hang on to. LoL
Take care blogger buddies and thanks for reading.