
Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th

Happy July 4th to all.

I love July, probably because July 1 is my birthday. I usually take it off from work, but I didn't this year as I was trying to tie up all loose ends before we leave on Saturday for vacation.

On Sunday my husband brought a home made marble cake up to my parent's house and we celebrated there after Sunday dinner with my sisters and their families and my kids.

On my real birthday the husband took me out to dinner, and later my older son and his girlfriend stopped by. I didn't want the day to end. I love my birthday. I don't think about my age, why most of the time I have to stop and figure it out. What counts is that I got to celebrate another one.

I am having my parents and kids and my sister down today for a small barbecue in between packing up to leave for Cape Cod on Saturday. I feel like we have a good handle on the packing, so we should be just fine. My son is staying here to take care of the cat and other household stuff while we are gone, so Samwise is lucky she is avoiding the kennel.

I am off now to go grocery shopping now with the hopes that the day will clear up for a little while so we can spend some time outside today.



Bill said...

This is the best time of year, isn't it, right around solstice when the days are the longest.

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

Have a great trip tomorrow. And happy belated birthday. (Did I say happy birthday earlier this week? I can't remember. I'm brain dead from an intense writing project.)

I love my birthdays too, but I'm different from you in one way. I start considering myself my new age ahead of time. I think it must be a defensive mechanism so it won't be a shock. For instance, I've still got two months to go, but I'm already considering myself 50. Weird, huh?

mosiacmind said...

happy birthday...i have my birthday also in july. i am eager to hear when you get back from your trip how well it went and what were some of your favorites things that you saw or did and of course the least favorites too.

Moohaa said...

Happy Belated Birthday!! Why didn't you tell us?! Stinker! :)

Enjoy your holiday!

Sona said...

I love cape cod! Have a good, safe trip!

Forsythia said...

Didn't Patti Page sing a song about "you'll fall in love again on old Cape Cod?" You might be ten years too young to remember. I remember it, though. Happy Belated Birthday and enjoy a wonderful vacation.

Cheryl said...

Sorry I missed your birthday! I accidentally hit 'mark all as read' on my Reader, and missed a lot of blogs. I'm so glad you had a great day!