
Friday, June 27, 2008

Personal days are great

I am totally enjoying how relaxing today has turned out to be. I am doing some packing for our vacation which will be in a couple of weeks. I spent about one hour in the pool and came out of there feeling so refreshed and relaxed.

I did a couple of errands and will resume my packing. It is fun to read blogs during the day and get to be first on the comments for a change.

I am looking forward to watching Oprah today. They are doing another show about the Law of Attraction and they are taking questions from the audience. It should be interesting. Martha Beck will be talking about the Vision Board. I made one, but there isn't much on it. A vision board is made up of things that you want to attract in your life. It is like visual goal setting with the universe so to speak. I have a picture of healthy knees on it because I am striving for my knees to get better, and after the scare I had these past couple of weeks with my heart, I am adding a healthy heart to it as well.

You can see that I haven't gone way out putting money and material things on it. I am going to try to do some of that was well. I always feel guilty wanting things. Most things I want are fairly simple. But I guess it doesn't hurt to think big once in a while and see what happens!

I have relaxed quite a bit, now it is time to get some house work done around this place, before I go and have dinner with my friend.

Enjoy your day!!


Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

Sounds like a lovely day.

mosiacmind said...

I hope that you have a good rest of your day and your weekend. Where are you planning to go on vacation?

Forsythia said...

Sounds like you had a lovely day. I wouldn't be concerned about not having much on your Vision Board. Even if you have just one or two good, heartfelt things, other good things will follow from them

mosiacmind said...

I just wanted to stop by and say hi and hope that things are going good. You have been kind of quiet lately so wanted to let you know that I was thinking of you. Take great care of yourself.