
Friday, June 20, 2008

Time to wake up

Thank you everyone for your kind words and support the past couple of weeks. You all have been a comfort to me in so many ways. When I started blogging, I had no idea how fond I would become of fellow bloggers.

I got through my tests today. While there are still some question as to what is going on, they let me leave! The technician said that was a good thing, so I will take that. I will have to wait for next week to get the full report and see what the recommendations will be. In many ways this is a big wake up call for me, and I will take it as such. Curious to see where this will all lead.

I am looking forward to the weekend. I am exhausted from work. I have been so busy there by myself . I am trying to figure out ways so this no longer happens to me in the future! It is a crazy set up. My son said something to me last night like, "You know mom, you don't have to work like you are the CEO." He is right. I have to look at balancing better. I am sort of obsessive about work, but not other things I should be giving more attention to.

A big thunderstorm is rolling in now...seems like we have had one everyday lately. But the weather is cool and it makes for comfortable sleeping.

I am working on my list of 100 things about me. It is fun to do, but takes time!


Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

I'm glad you got to go home.

And your son sounds wise.

I hope you have a refreshing weekend.

Moohaa said...

That's a great sign about the tests! I'm glad you are realizing you don't have to work so hard. Save some of that energy for yourself!

mosiacmind said...

Just stopped by to see how you are. I hope that you have a good weekend. I am thinking mine will be a relaxing one due to my pain level but so far Gracie and I are having a good saturday.

Diane Vogel Ferri said...

So glad things are working out.

Cheryl said...

If they let you leave, they must feel confident about your results. I can't wait till you have them in hand and can stop worrying. Worrying saps you of life, you know? So many times I've convinced myself that I had something terribly wrong. Each time I was the one who was wrong.