
Saturday, June 14, 2008

My son and I both love our music and spend a great deal of time listening to it. I like music from many genres and pretty much judge a song as a favorite if it moves me to tears or gives me the goosebumps.

My youngest is into the punk-rock scene and really enjoys burning me CD's of his music that he thinks I will enjoy. Much to my surprise, there are many songs that I love and I play them over and over again in my car. Our tastes are quite similar when it comes to the lyrics of the songs, even though musically are favorites just are miles apart.

The latest CD he made for me was songs by New Found Glory. There is one song on it that I have played just about exclusively for the past two days, called Good To Be. I just love it. When I got into the car this morning, he had left the CD from when he used my car last night set to start off right at my favorite song. I thought it was so sweet of him.

Just a little joy for today.


Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

That was a lovely thing for him to do.

Moohaa said...

What a sweetheart!! How nice..