
Sunday, June 1, 2008

Sunday morning

I awoke very early for a Sunday and to my delight Post Secrets were already loaded at 6:35 A.M. today. Those are fun to read and I wait for them all week.

Yesterday was a lounge around lazy day for me. I think I was still reeling from the rest of the week. We did go out later in the evening to one of our favorite spots in town for a nice quiet dinner with our son.

My primary care doctor never called to follow up on my tests from Wednesday and to schedule the next set of tests. I left a detailed message on Thursday afternoon because I have so many questions. Some things just don't add up to me, and I want answers. Or at the very least the opportunity to ask the questions. I love my doctor and trust her as much as I would trust any doctor, but not returning a phone call is unacceptable to me. I will give it until noon tomorrow and call again.

When the doctor at the hospital was talking to me giving me tests results he said this to me," I don't want you walking out of here thinking your are dying." CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? I wasn't thinking like that at all - until he brought it up. No need to mention anything but the facts, doctor man.

My son's dog on the other hand is getting excellent medical care. He went to the doctor this week because he had hives and was throwing up. The doctor did all kinds of blood work on him, and gave him medication. The very next morning at 8:00 A.M. the vet called to see how Tucker was doing. And this vet makes house calls when necessary!

On top of worrying about those tests, I have tooth infection and it could abscess at any time. I am going to the oral surgeon this week for an evaluation. Now I can't tell you how much I hate the dentists and the like. Seems my anxiety has become worse over the years around this. So I am dreading going and even thinking about all of this.

I think of Eckhart's quote, "What you resist, persists." I realize I have to come to acceptance to get to a positive place and just deal with it all. The tooth can be taken care of and I won't have to worry about it flaring up at the wrong time.

It is a beautiful day outside and I am going to go out and enjoy it. Later we will go and have Sunday dinner at my parents' house and visit my FIL still in intensive care.

The pool cover is off, so it won't be long before I am making whirlpools out in the back yard. I can't wait, as it is my favorite little joy.


mosiacmind said...

Hi...I hope that your Sunday is going good. Overall except my ride being late it has been a good day. It is beautiful day! Gracie has beeen soaking in the sun on the patio. Mom is taking me out to lunch. I know when I get back that Gracie will want to be back out on the patio........It is a day like today that I would like a home with its own yard so with a good fence I could leave Gracie out to sun herself I hope that you get the phone call from your doctor soon....................take great care of yourself........

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

Sending you positive thoughts that your doctor will call first thing tomorrow and that you will have an unexpectedly wonderful day today.

Cheryl said...

Yes, I hope you get a call tomorrow. I know doctor's are so busy, but they have to have time built in to their schedules to return phone calls. I left one doctor because of that same thing.

I hope your day today was quiet and relaxing.

Moohaa said...

I hope you hear positive news. I will pray for God to heal your tooth. I know those are so very painful.

Big hugs.

Patty said...

Pg. 63, The Power Of Now (Tolle):

Find the "narrow gate that leads to life." It is called the now. Narrow your life down to this moment. Your life situation may be full of problems - most life situations are - but find out if you have any problems at this moment. Not tomorrow or in ten minutes, but now. Do you have any problems now?

When you are full of problems, there is no room for anything new to enter, no room for a solution. So whenever you can, make some room, create some space, so that you find the life underneath the life situation.

Anonymous said...

your write:
I awoke very early for a Sunday and to my delight Post Secrets were already loaded

I ask: What are post secrets? I looked on your blog and didn't see anything of the sort except for a picture on your blog. Curious, hope you will reply

Lena said...

Check out my side bar of my favorites and Post Secret is there.