
Thursday, June 19, 2008

Almost Friday

Work this week is pretty much just me. Everyone is off and will be back in a couple of weeks. I work during this time because of the nature of my position. I have to be there to process new applications. But instead of concentrating on what I have to do, I end up tying up loose ends for others....many others.

I was on edge today thinking about going for part one of the medical test after work and I was annoyed with all of the extra work that I ended up doing this week. I was a grouch, but I was alone so I was only making myself suffer with my grumbling thoughts.

I was checking my email and I opened an email from my niece. I am so proud of her. She just graduated from College and is already working in a big company on Fifth Avenue. She wrote to me for some advice and wrote in her e-mail that she was asking me for advice because she sees me as a "positive spirit." When I read that line, I burst into tears! It hit me hard because I haven't been feeling positive about much these last few weeks.

That e-mail made my day though. Because even though I may not feel positive all the time on the inside, I am being positive on the outside, enough that my niece has noticed and came to me because of it.
Anyway, that e-mail came at the right time for me. I stopped feeling so sorry for myself and got on with my day.

I went for my test this afternoon and I got through it with a lot of prayers. Now I have to get through tomorrow morning which will be more grueling. The technician said I will know the outcomes tomorrow. They won't let me leave if there are problems.

I am going outside to do some yard work now, it is a cool evening and it is calling to me.


Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

Oh, I'm so glad you received some encouragement. I know you're going through a lot right now and you're trying so hard to be positive.

I'll say a prayer for tomorrow.

Forsythia said...

Yard work can be good therapy. Let us know how things go tomorrow. BTW, I read your Wednesday post and am sorry that many aspects of your job are a burden. After years at a job I loved, I suddenly came to a point where many things about it annoyed me. I retired. It was time. I never regretted my decision. Perhaps that's not an option for you yet.

Moohaa said...

What a blessing! I love how the Lord sends encouragement right at the moment it is needed most. You are a positive influence and very much cared for!! :)

mosiacmind said...

I wanted to see how your Friday is going for you. God brought you to mind and I prayed for you about the job situation and that God would provide the open doors for you to be able to switch jobs and such. I hope that you have a good weekend....