
Wednesday, January 7, 2009

An ice storm has closed down most of the schools today so I am home on a snow day. It is nerve wracking with all the dangerous incidents that the icy weather is causing and I sure hope the temperature goes up.

My stitches came out yesterday! My mouth feels so much better today, and I hoping things will improve rapidly.

I am planning to get to the spare room today and just get rid of clutter, my favorite things to do.


Forsythia said...

I love to clear clutter too.

KathyA said...

It iced over here, too, but the streets were clear and things ran on time. On the way to the gym I would ride through stretches that were just wet, and then areas in which all the trees were covered with ice. Interesting. A day like today is perfect for tackling clutter. Enjoy the snow day. Are these built into your school calendar or will you have to make it up in June?

Cheryl said...

The only ice I saw today was up in the trees, thank goodness. Ice is the worst1

Glad to hear your gums are feeling better. Did you accomplish your goals?

Lena said...

Kathy - Yes, we have to make up snow days at the end of the year. So far, only 2.

Lena said...

Cheryl - Yes, I was able to get a lot done. Always more to go though!

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

I'm glad your stitches are out. I hope your mouth continues to improve.