
Saturday, January 10, 2009

This and that

I am enjoying having my nest almost full again. My youngest boy is done with school and living home until he can secure a full time job and make some money before he figures out where he will be heading. I just love having him around not to mention having a third adult in the house who can help with snow shoveling and other house hold chores. He is good company to his old parents. Last night we all went out to dinner and then to the library to load up on books, CDs, and DVDs to prepare for the latest snow storm coming our way later today. I so enjoy hearing all about his college days in depth now and brainstorming with him as he is forming his goals for his future.

We all expected some adjustment to living together again, but so far it has gone really smoothly with a great appreciation and respect for one another. He has a part time job for now, which he is grateful to have found given the economy.

One of the books I picked up last night is called Phony. It is about a woman who did not have a college degree and lied about it to get a management job. Because she had great leadership skills she was able to become very successful and wealthy, but the secret she harbored inside ate away at her. I am very absorbed in her story for reasons I am not sure about.


KathyA said...

Enjoy your 'coziness' as you hunker down for the next onslaught! PHONY sounds interesting. I'm reading WATER FOR ELEPHANTS right now. It's quite interesting, but not a pleasurable read. A bit seamy in spots.

Diane Vogel Ferri said...

Stay warm! We're experiencing the same here.

KathyA said...

Having grand babies is something I had never thought about, but wow is it ever something!:)

Cheryl said...

It must be a pleasure to have your adult son home and find him to be a companion.

No measurable snow here so far this winter. I wouldn't mind a little...

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

We getting snow right now too. Not quite enough for being snowed in but quite a lot.

I hope you're enjoying your cozy time.

Patty said...

I personally believe that good life skills are at least as important as the piece of paper one gets at the end of four years of requirements. Book learnin Vs life learin, both have their place.

There is the fact that she lied about it though adds another angle. Morally wrong, but did she feel forced into the corner. Did her lie benefit or hurt others?

Keep us informed on the developements of the story.

Stay warm...