
Friday, January 28, 2011

Breaking records

The snow fall around here is making headlines and headaches for all of the state. Many of our towns are calling for a state of emergency because they have run out of the snow plowing budget and can't keep up with the snow removal. Some parts of the state have piles 41 inches high. We have broken all records for snow fall in January at 4 feet and 11 inches. The most since 1945!! And there is a possible snow storm coming next week sometime! We have missed 5 days of school (some towns have missed a whole week)so far.

Driving around is like playing Russian Roulette, because when you come to a stop, the drifts are so high you can not see if anyone is coming. You need to inch your way out and can't see the oncoming traffic until your car is all the way out and then you are in danger of getting hit! It is very unnerving.

Everyone is pretty grumpy and just wishing the winter away and longing for spring. I am trying not to get so moody over it. We can't change what is so we just have to accept it. So I am making the best of these snow days. Yesterday, I totally organized my messiest kitchen cabinets. I am so happy with how easy I can find things today. That was worth a snow day to me. lol!

I am not able to shovel too much snow, so I am going out of my way to cook special meals and take on more chores inside to make up for it. I so appreciate my husband and my sons and how hard they are working to shovel us out.

I just had my first ever town emergency automated telephone call. When the phone rang and it gave the emergency prompt, it was a bit startling because I have never received a phone call like that and I was worried about what was happening. Sigh of relief that it was about the parking ban! Parking ban in effect until further notice. Most our our streets are plowed so that only one car can pass at a time, so those plow trucks still need to be out there plowing the streets to widen them.

Roofs and entire buildings are collapsing under the weight of the snow, so it can be a very dangerous situation. I am trying not to watch the news too much and just stay as mellow as I can as it does not look like this is going to be over for awhile!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Just another Wednesday night

We were all prepared for a snow storm to come in later this afternoon, so when it started at 10:00 A.M. we were all surprised. The snow came down steady and heavy and before we knew it, it was an early dismissal day. It let up by the time we were dismissed making the drive home easier than expected.

I headed straight home and settled into my kitchen and cooked up a storm. I made an eye of round roast,smothered with some Merlot and French onion soup. Potatoes and carrots on the side along with a green bean casserole. Delicious!

After supper we watched the first episode of MAD MEN. I found it hard watching the show because there was so much sexism, it was pushing my buttons! But it sure was indicative of the times as it takes place in 1960. One episode was enough for tonight and we will watch another tomorrow.

I took a break from the TV and then turned it back on to watch the last half hour of American Idol. I don't usually watch until they get down to the top 10, but of course I wanted to see how it was going with the new judges. I like them and it seems like it will be a good season, because the talent looks awesome.

Now I am listening to my Grooveshark account. I love the instant access to music. I should be in bed, but I am betting there will be no work tomorrow and staying up late listening to my music. The wind is howling out there, the snow is drifting, mixed in with an icy rain. Wondering if we will get any of that snow thunder I am hearing about on the news?

I have had so much time off due to the snow storms that I feel like I semi-retired! I like the feeling!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Dinner for two

Home for another snow day. Our 4th in 2 weeks! Lots of snow and ice hitting our state this year. But of all the snow storms, this one isn't dropping too much snow on us and seems to be winding down already. And most of all, the sun is now shining! Maybe we won't be shut in all day after all!

I had dinner last night with a friend from my home town. We weren't real close growing up, but in high school she dated the brother of my best friend and we got to know each other then. I have only run into her twice since graduation 40 years ago, but when I friended her on Facebook, I knew that she would be someone that I would want to connect with in person. Luckily she felt the same way.

There is something about being with someone from your childhood. Of course there are the memories, but being with someone who knows your history, your family and remembers events and people that you have long forgotten has a very healing effect on me. I was beside myself with happiness being with her last night.

She is now a widow, and she shared that very sad chapter of her life, but she seems to be moving forward and doing well.

We sat in the restaurant for 2 and a half hours and would have stayed longer if the place wasn't clearing out.

When she asked me how long I have been married, I told her it would be 36 years in May. She said she would give anything to be able to say that she had been married for so long. It made my eyes fill up with tears for her, and made me realize that as much as I try to appreciate each day, I am not as present as I want to be.

It was a good night for memories, to reconnect, to reflect, and just appreciate everything good in my life.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Times gone by

We are heading out in a couple of hours to a wake of a young man who grew up across the street from us. I am nervous about going. I can't imagine the pain the family is in. All the paper said is that he died peacefully in his sleep - at age 22. We have heard some rumors, but who knows what is really the truth. All that matters is their beloved son is gone.

My son used to play with him just about every day when they were little. My son is a little older than he was, but he did better with younger kids than he did with his peers at the time, so it was good relationship for him. And the boy looked up to my son, which was a nice older brother kind of thing for him. They moved away when the boy was in middle school as the parents were divorcing and we have not seen the family since. My son recently connected with him some on Facebook, but hadn't seen him. But still the bond from those early years are strong.

Last night we watched Toy Story 3. My son has been recommending it for awhile saying how great it was and how the storyline was so touching. So my husband ordered it on Netflix. I have to say, it was much better than I expected. The animation was just amazing and the script very well written. It was very sad in some parts and a few scenes brought tears to all of our eyes, and the ending, well, that just left me sobbing.

As we were watching the movie, my son remembered how our neighbor boy had Buzz Light Year and Woody as his toys as well. That made the movie even sadder for us all.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Hello Benedict

Snow storm Benedict hit our state today with a record snow fall of 22 inches and more in some parts. The state was closed down today for all non essential employees and all schools were closed. Some schools have already canceled for tomorrow.

Posted are some pics from around our yard and of my husband who decided to do some snow shoeing with 40 year old snow shoes. Although the digging out was difficult, the snow fall was beautiful and the temperature in the 30's. So all in all it was a picturesque New England day.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Pay it forward

One of my favorite blogs is called Enjoying the Small Things. I discovered it about one year ago when blogger Kelle Hampton posted the birth story of her Down Syndrome baby, Nella.

The story blew me away. I don't think I ever have read anything so powerful, raw, and beautiful. The photos were stunning. I was hooked on the blog and have followed her since. I often cry when I read her posts. Never because they are sad, always out of inspiration and joy. When I checked back at the birth story the other day, she had over 3,000 comments.

Nella will be one years old in two weeks. Mama Kelle decided to pay it forward and asked her followers to donate $5.00 in honor of Nella and all Down Syndrome children to the National Association of Down Syndrome. She set a goal of $15,000 which she thought was scary. In less than 24 hours she hit her goal and has now doubled her goal to $30,000.

For this special blog post she sent out a request to all the moms of children with Downs and asked them for a picture of their child to accompany the post. It is awesome and inspiring.

Check it out! and be prepared to be inspired!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Motivation comes in all forms

I renewed my membership at the therapeutic pool yesterday. If you signed up for 3 months, you got the 4th one for free. So I am covered until May 5. I am hoping that paying so far ahead will motivate me to use the pool on a regular basis. My joints seem to be so much stiffer this winter and I am in constant pain. Hard to think of doing any other exercises but stepping into the warm water and swimming. I believe that as long as I am moving, it will do me good.

The CD that I listen to in my car for the first hour of my travels on the road for my job is by Lousie Hay, the best selling author of You Can Heal Your Life. It is called 101 Power Thoughts. I enjoy listening to it and have heard it many times. Each time something new stands out. Sometimes I am moved to tears by some of the affirmations that resonate with me. When I am listening I think about my kids and other friends whom I think would benefit from this and I am tempted to go out and buy them copies. But I don't. I think people have to find their own way and if you try to push a concept or strategy at them like that, they will resist. So I may mention it here and there a few times to plant a seed, and if they are interested they can ask me to borrow it or get it on their own.

I enjoy Lousie's calming and soothing voice and I so want to be inspired!

On an unrelated note, the icons to underline or justify,etc. have disappeared from this page. Does anyone have any idea how I would get them back?

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Swear Sisters

I grew up with a lot of hot headed Italian males. It was pretty much normal in our family to have a family gathering disrupted with them yelling swear words at one another around us kids. "Go kiss my ass," they would yell back and forth when they had a disagreement. "Go to hell", was pretty commonplace and maybe a "God damn it" here and there, and definitely many shits!

As animated as the men folk were, I never heard any language stronger than the words above, so compared to today's standards they were pretty tame I think.

I didn't swear too much as a teen-ager. Maybe an "Oh,shit" when I made mistakes, but not much more.

My husband's father is an English gentleman. Never have I heard even a damn come out of his mouth and following suit, my husband doesn't swear either.

Somewhere along the line after marriage and having kids, swearing became more commonplace for me. In reflecting back, I am not sure why. Maybe the stress of life got to me and swearing helped to relieve it? In keeping with family values the F word was NEVER spoken, but those other words above were flying out of my mouth more and more often.

One day when I was visiting with my sister and having a conversation with her, my young son came in and pointed out that we were saying swear words. He dubbed us the "swear sisters." It was funny, but also a wake up call to be more aware of young listening ears.

Today, I do swear more at home and have picked up saying the F word. I watch HBO and all the words are uncensored so it almost becomes natural to say the word when you hear it so often. And you all might remember how funny I think Kathy Griffin is and for sure her language is raunchy. Although my language may be colorful at home, I would never swear any word at all at work. When I told the swear sisters story to my co-workers, none of them could believe it. "Lena, a swear sister? You have got to be kidding me!"

I work in a school with some street wise kids. We hear the F bomb frequently and they lose behavior points for that kind of talk, but it really doesn't stop them from saying it. And although they have consequences for saying it, I sort of wonder how fair that is when the music, movies, and all our popular culture now have the F word ingrained in them. I note that once the kids leave for the day, it isn't uncommon to hear other co-workers using that word amongst one another without skipping a beat.

So the other day, I watched the latest video by Cee Lo Green, called F*** Y**. I thought it was a very clever and funny video. I especially enjoyed how the back up singers got to sing this refrain, "Ain't that some shit?". It made me laugh and I just pictured myself singing back up so sassy and free and giving my co-workers something to talk about!

I guess it isn't too outlandish, being a former swear sister and all!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

My Music Man

Tonight my husband's radio show is on the air. He is currently volunteering at a local college radio station. He really enjoys this as he originally majored in TV-Radio when he was in college and had his own show then. When he graduated from college there were no jobs to be had in the field and he ended up in social services. Now retired, he is free to return to his passion. And passion it is as he knows so much about music and so many obscure artists. His show is a blend of acoustic Americana and Folk music.

It is a big commitment though. He had to train and take the test and now he has to attend station meetings and do community service hours for the station. But it is the perfect situation for him.

So when I can, I tune in and listen to him when I am working on the computer or doing something where I am staying put near the radio. If he knows I am listening he will play a favorite song of mine and give me a shout out. Reminds me of the days way back when we were first married and he was working at Ithaca College radio station.

A friend of ours has tried for years to break into the music business, but it never worked out for him. He has recorded many CD's and written all the songs hoping for his big break. My husband was able to play one of his songs one evening and our friend happened to be listening. He was thrilled beyond belief. His wife took the play list off of the station website and framed it. While playing the song did not afford him the big break he has been in search of, it sure made him happy.

I think it is cool that my husband can make people's dreams come true by just playing their music.

So every week he is supposed play 4 new artists and he spends the week listening to all the new CD's that come his way and then plays what he likes. The artists usually check the play lists and write him a thank you note as they are very grateful for the airtime. Maybe someone he is introducing will be a big star some day.

One never knows.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

January 1, 2011

Today it was around 50 degrees out. Just a beautiful sunny day for New Year. We took another ride to the the shoreline. We decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather and get out and enjoy it.

New Year's Eve was nice and quiet. We made a roast and had a late dinner and watched a movie. I was sound asleep by midnight. I had a very interesting dream where I was reading a novel. I have no idea the name of the book, but I remember I was enjoying the book. I never dreamed that I was reading before! Not very exciting, but funny.

All our decorations are put away and the house is back to normal. Monday I will go back to work. I have not missed it at all. I love being home with my retired husband. I need to start making a plan for retirement for myself soon.