The snow fall around here is making headlines and headaches for all of the state. Many of our towns are calling for a state of emergency because they have run out of the snow plowing budget and can't keep up with the snow removal. Some parts of the state have piles 41 inches high. We have broken all records for snow fall in January at 4 feet and 11 inches. The most since 1945!! And there is a possible snow storm coming next week sometime! We have missed 5 days of school (some towns have missed a whole week)so far.
Driving around is like playing Russian Roulette, because when you come to a stop, the drifts are so high you can not see if anyone is coming. You need to inch your way out and can't see the oncoming traffic until your car is all the way out and then you are in danger of getting hit! It is very unnerving.
Everyone is pretty grumpy and just wishing the winter away and longing for spring. I am trying not to get so moody over it. We can't change what is so we just have to accept it. So I am making the best of these snow days. Yesterday, I totally organized my messiest kitchen cabinets. I am so happy with how easy I can find things today. That was worth a snow day to me. lol!
I am not able to shovel too much snow, so I am going out of my way to cook special meals and take on more chores inside to make up for it. I so appreciate my husband and my sons and how hard they are working to shovel us out.
I just had my first ever town emergency automated telephone call. When the phone rang and it gave the emergency prompt, it was a bit startling because I have never received a phone call like that and I was worried about what was happening. Sigh of relief that it was about the parking ban! Parking ban in effect until further notice. Most our our streets are plowed so that only one car can pass at a time, so those plow trucks still need to be out there plowing the streets to widen them.
Roofs and entire buildings are collapsing under the weight of the snow, so it can be a very dangerous situation. I am trying not to watch the news too much and just stay as mellow as I can as it does not look like this is going to be over for awhile!
Beautiful to look at, but definitely not fun to live in and even worse to try to get about in. Definitely time for some warm sunshine in your parts... when that happens better break out the life rafts!!
Wow! I don't think I'll ever forget our snow last winter. It made a memory. Yours surely will too. Stay safe and warm. You'll have those snow piles around for a long time. The plows pack them so tight.
What's next on your organizing agenda?
Your "snow story" was Iowa's story last winter. I thought it would never end. But eventually, it did. Hang in, spring will surely arrive. And yes, those damned piles of snow did seem to last for-freakin-ever. Hugs. :)
Just as I know that cabin fever is totally dangerous, I know, too, that spring is coming.
You'd think with this much snow that my house would be spotless... :)
Your pictures make it all look so peaceful and serene. But, by now everyone is angry at it, with the ice, the leaks, the roof problems, heat problems, and the cold is so continuous and piercing.
AND, we are waiting for another 10 to 20 inches tomorrow.
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