One of my favorite blogs is called Enjoying the Small Things. I discovered it about one year ago when blogger Kelle Hampton posted the birth story of her Down Syndrome baby, Nella.
The story blew me away. I don't think I ever have read anything so powerful, raw, and beautiful. The photos were stunning. I was hooked on the blog and have followed her since. I often cry when I read her posts. Never because they are sad, always out of inspiration and joy. When I checked back at the birth story the other day, she had over 3,000 comments.
Nella will be one years old in two weeks. Mama Kelle decided to pay it forward and asked her followers to donate $5.00 in honor of Nella and all Down Syndrome children to the National Association of Down Syndrome. She set a goal of $15,000 which she thought was scary. In less than 24 hours she hit her goal and has now doubled her goal to $30,000.
For this special blog post she sent out a request to all the moms of children with Downs and asked them for a picture of their child to accompany the post. It is awesome and inspiring.
Check it out! and be prepared to be inspired!
Yeah, it's 2012!
13 years ago
I worked for 19 years in an agency that provided services for those born with developmental disabilities. I've seen what caring families,quality education, and good support can do to enhance the lives of these individuals. Being a parent of a child with developmental disabilities isn't easy, and I am so impressed that Kelle has chosen to share her experiences in a way that will not only support and encourage other families but provide funding to build an even brighter future for these kids. I'm headed over to read her blog now, thanks for pointing us in her direction!!
The link didn't work for me, but I followed the link on your sidebar. Wow! How moving. How beautiful each and every child. Thank you for sharing this.
The link does not seem to be working.Check out Enjoying the Small Things on my blog list to the left!
Just goes to prove how love is so much more powerful than any other force.
Thanks for your comment and concern about my parents. My mom was there while the doctor talked to us, so she knows everything. It was all kind of confusing, but I think she understands that there's a lot less risk with doing nothing.
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