
Friday, April 15, 2011

Friday night and it's alright

Just checking in. No smashing party yet, been waiting for the weekend.

Just so busy at work running around like an idiot getting ready for a very big (400-500 people expected) work event. To make things even more difficult, I found out that my first oncology appointment was scheduled on the same morning. My first reaction was to reschedule it, how could I go to the appointment when I had such a huge work commitment? That kind of thinking was not putting myself first and nor taking care of me. So even though I knew it was wrong to reschedule the appointment for work purposes, I needed my friend to confirm that not
postponing was doing the right thing. So she gave me a good talking to, reminding me that I have cancer and that everything else is secondary and they could cover for me at work. That is what friends are for! They convince you of things you already KNOW, but have a hard time carrying out.

I saw the oncologist and he ordered a slew of tests next week to help determine the stage of my cancer, and felt that surgery should be scheduled within a week or two. Things are moving fast for me now.

So tomorrow morning I will have breakfast with a very good friend and then see my counselor, and that will take up most of my morning and all of my afternoon.

Very, very tired tonight. Off to sleep now.


Jamie said...

I completely understand how it would be your first thought to reschedule the dr appt, that is how I would be. too. Yes, you needed confirmation that your thinking is right, I expect the whole cancer thing is still like a bad dream that you have to stop and remind yourself that it is real. I don't know so I am asking, there is no pain or symptoms, is that right? How odd that would be...You know i am sort of understanding some of this right along with you. We don't think about any of this until it touches us, I guess. That makes me feel bad for all the times I have known someone in the same situation that i didn't really track into.

I hope this day is beautiful for you. Hugs of all kinds, friend. :)

Forsythia said...

Yay for saying "no" to rescheduling. Work will wait. Have a lovely weekend.

KathyA said...

Nothing takes priority over your health, right now!! Glad you went.

Things moved VERY fast for me once I saw the doctor. This was a blessing at the time and also in the long run. Hang in there.

Josie Two Shoes said...

Maybe things moving fast is better than waiting and worrying. I'm a big fan of being proactive. I'm so glad you made the right choice to keep the appointment. Like you, I struggle with priorities and commitments and usually place myself last. But I'm learning! We are learning more about this experience along with you and I am thankful for your willingness to share with us here. You are ever in my thoughts and prayers. God go with you!
~Josie Two Shoes~
Two Shoes In Texas 
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