
Saturday, June 4, 2011

My Hero

My therapist taught me some breathing techniques to do during chemo to help me pull in divine light through my body and flush the toxins from my system. I don't find that easy, but I was willing to give it a chance as I want to do anything I can to heal myself.

When they started putting the Benadryl into my I.V., I really had a hard time staying awake. I got very woozy so I just put on on my trusty sleep mask and turned on my iPod and tried to relax. I could not even concentrate on the breathing techniques, but I didn't want to lose the light. So I kept visualizing the bright white light running through my body.

All of a sudden, I saw my dad. He was popping up out of the heavens dressed in a shirt that I remember him in when I was a kid. He was filled with the light and dove right into the top of my scalp and swooped his way down my body and came out from my feet with his hands straight out in front of him pushing all the cancer cells out of my body.

I thought he was just like Superman. So then I visualized him diving in with a Superman Costume and flying all around me protecting me. It was a very comforting image. My dad protecting me, healing me, coming to my rescue.

My dad, my hero.


Diana said...

A great visualization! How cool is that? I'm sure your dad WOULD jump into action to help you cure your cancer. I would find that very comforting. Be well!

Forsythia said...

Just reading this post, I'm struck by how much our "normal" mind is blind to such experiences--your illness has brought you a gift, a glimpse into the fathomless depths of this miracle we call "life, of the truth that we repeat like parrots but ordinarily only half=believe: that love is forever.

Jamie said...

Lena--that is just so darned awesome! What a wonderful "gift"! Or added bonus...or something. But awesome! How are you feeling today? How is this supposed to work, do you know? I am so hoping that this isn't the deal when you throw up for days after...that would be the worst, even worse than losing your hair. I know i ask so many questions but when you feel like it, maybe you could sort of map it all out? And if it's too private, I apologize. I am not trying to be nosy, just interested. Big, big hugs....and happy Sunday. :)