
Friday, August 19, 2011

Another update

It has been a great week for me. I took it off to have some time at home when I was feeling good to get some things done around the house and catch up with some friends. 

I went to lunch with one friend and other friend and I saw the movie, The Help. We both read the book and loved it and felt they did a great job with the movie. Very enjoyable and well acted. Today the husband and I went to lunch.

I had a burst of energy this week and I made a point to deal with some unsightly clutter that was taking over in our extra rooms. It feels so good to get clutter out of the way. I have one big box to bring to Goodwill and another box of books to donate elsewhere. What a wonderful feeling to be up and doing something productive around here! It may seem like a small thing, but it brought me so much happiness!

I have had another interesting situation rise up with a friend who is also a cancer survivor who complained to another friend that she wants to be closer to me and support me, but I wasn't letting her. Sigh. I have not pushed anyone away and I have reached out when I needed it, so I was surprised to hear this.

I have another friend who I am even closer with and she is also a  cancer survivor and I hadn't heard a word from her all summer. We connected only because I ran into her at the store and then we made a date to have lunch. I wondered if we had  not run into one another if I would have heard from her?  

She did say at one point that my cancer and the cancer of another person she knows was bringing back her own experiences. Maybe it is making her upset to be around us, so I tried to down play my cancer.

Oh well, things can get complicated with friends so I will see what happens.

My blood count has stayed normal this whole time. My hair is even growing back in! I have a little Afro going on and I even see hair on my legs coming back.  That is very surprising after 4 rounds of chemo and 2 more to go. I suppose it all could change during the next 2 rounds, so we will see. It is all an adventure to see what goes on with the hair!

And for all who say I am not complaining enough, I will complain about a nasty hemorrhoid that has been driving me crazy for a couple of weeks! LOL! An annoying side effect. But I am not letting it get me down!


Maria said...

Hey Lena ~ So glad to hear that you had a good week. I'm sure you needed that little bit of time to yourself.
I've know what you mean about complicated friendships. Our neighbor, who lived across the street from us on Staten Island, would spend hours in our house, having tea, chatting with my mother & I. After my mother passed away, I barely got a wave from her.
I made attempts to invite her for tea but she never accepted. Not until recently did she tell me that she just couldn't come to the house without my mother being there. It maybe wouldn't have hurt so much if she had told me that then but she made me feel like I meant nothing to her after my mother died. People do the weirdest things sometime. I, too, have given up all expectations. Makes things alot easier.
And YAY! for complaining. LOL.
Keep it'll feel so much better after bitching.
Have a great weekend!

Jamie said...

You sound good and that makes me smile. I admire your strength Lena, I am not sure that I could be as happy and positive as you are, given the same circumstances.

Friends really can be a bit of a pita, can't they? Often, the ones we think we can count on, we can't, the ones that seem distant are right there beside you at the first hint of trouble.

Hugs, honey. Only two more to go!!!

Forsythia said...

Lena, So glad you had a good week. I just realized I have not been sending enough notes to a dear person, who is so ill with a rare cancer that she's qualified to receive experimental treatment at NIH. This sweet and funny animal-loving person dropped in often to just chat with Mom during her Mom's last years, when Mom was slowly slowly dying of old age and so very sad about the whole undignified process. Pat liked Mom's stories, but she'd often have to ask me for insight into who or what Mom was talked out. Now my friend, who is not very old, is faced with this challenge. I can do nothing for her, but be there as often as I can, and I've not been.

Forsythia said...

Somehow a stray "her" got left in my post. It was MY mom Pat spent all that time with.

Lena said...

forsythia... It was wonderful that your friend visited your mom when she did.

It is good to realize now that you can be in touch with her more often.

I know the contact will mean a great deal to her. I hope the experimental treatment works a miracle for her.

Cheryl said...

I'm thrilled to hear how upbeat you are and how mentally and physically well you feel. Yea!

I have so many regrets about not visiting a sick friend. I wonder why I didn't see her more when she needed me? I made sure not to shy away from my friend Ruth when she needed me.

I know all about those awful hemorrhoids. Wah! I hope it clears up soon.

Be well :)))))