
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A whole lot of shaking going on

I was at work today and my co-worker was on the phone with a colleague in PA. All of a sudden everything in her office started shaking and she realized they were having an earthquake and she quickly hung up the phone. Then we heard the reports from many of our family and friends who felt the quake here in CT! My sister said her chair was rocking, water coolers were shaking, stuff on walls shaking, a friend at the shore said her beach chair moved with her sitting in it. Buildings were evacuated.

I didn't feel a thing and I am very glad of that! We never have quakes here so this was big excitement for everyone. Fortunately, no injuries or property damage! 

I thought some of my blogger friends might have felt it as well since it originated in VA. Anyone feel it?

I am gearing up for round #5 of chemo on Thursday. Second to the last!  I can not wait to be going to the last one in September. Even though I will still have 13 infusions after the chemo, the side effects of the Herceptin on its' own should be much more manageable. And my infusion time will go from 7 hours to 90 minutes!

I hope anyone landing on this blog will see that cancer treatment does not have to be so harsh. When they say attitude is everything, it is really true! I have been doing so well because I decided to get better not bitter. I catch my thoughts and if I start to feel afraid or down, I start saying positive affirmations and and take my energy up so I will not spiral down!  I still have my moments. Sometimes while doing something very insignificant like putting jelly on toast, it will hit me that I am a cancer patient and I start to cry in utter disbelief.  Then it is over as soon as it began and I eat my toast. No burying the feelings. Just feeling them as they come and letting them go so I can carry on. I make the most of my days. No ruining them with bitterness or fear. 
Coworkers stop me to ask how I am and they always say to me, " I see you smiling, your spirits are up!" There is every reason right now for my spirits to be up... I have a chance at a cure! And I am working on it, baby!


Forsythia said...

Yes, we felt the quake.

We were in Baltimore when it happened. On the way to the car, we passed a shop in Baltimore's Inner Harbor selling nothing but socks. I saw a pair of women's anklets with "breast-cancer-cure" pink ribbons on the cuffs, and thought of you and my husband's sister.

Lena said...

Aw thanks for thinking of me.

How many rounds of chemo does your sister in law have to do?

Diana said...

What an amazing attitude you have. I'm happy your treatments are going so well for you. I live in Michigan near Detroit and I felt it too. My chair was moving back and forth and I could understand why...then we heard it was an earthquake....first I've ever experienced.

Maria said...

Lena~you amaze & inspire me with your outlook on life. I know that there is a cure in store for you. I have no doubt. You are in my prayers.
I was at my computer today when the quake hit. I just happened to be in Staten Island when the floor shook & the screen door rattled. I didn't know what was happening but I got up & went to the door & saw that there were waves in the pool! It was a very scary moment.
I had a thirteen year old with me but he was playing his Xbox & it didn't faze him in the be a kid again.
Here's to your next to last chemo.
I hope it's a breeze.

Jamie said...

Oh Lena, I so admire you. That is all, no need to elaborate.

Well, other than to say Happy Humpday. Big hugs, friend. :)

Forsythia said...


My sister-in-law is off chemo, and just completed her radiation. This hasn't slowed her down for a minute. We have a hard time reaching her by phone. We get to talk to Stan, who says she's doing fine. She's an official in her local Presbytery and hasn't missed a meeting, although it means a 2-hour drive. She's also on the Governance Committee on the national level. They don't meet as often, but she'll get on a plane and fly, even though she hates flying. And she has cats to feed and gardens to weed, and she does it. She's scarcely missed a beat.

Lena said...

OH Wow, Forsythia, Your sister in law has done GREAT! Good for her! She must feel so happy to be done!

Cheryl said...

Hi Lena,
I was at work during the earthquake and it was strong! I'm glad I got to experience it :)

I've loved your attitude through your diagnosis and treatment. I know your outlook on life has been changed forever for the better.