
Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Experiment

I am so excited to hear that one of my favorite bloggers Kelle Hampton has a book coming out in April! I am so happy for her. Check it out! 

On another note, I am so happy today, because I figured out how to cut down my infusion time.   I always get hot flashes when I go to chemotherapy and then they have to stop the infusion run saline and it slows down the process. I believed the hot flashes were the normal ones I get all day every day, but they wanted to be sure it was not from the chemo so to be safe they had to follow the rules and stop it. 

When I get to the treatment room in the moring it is really cold in there. I always wrap myself up in a blanket and a shawl for my shouders and that keeps me warm. I started to wonder if that was making it too warm for my body once they started to flow the chemo. So today I did an experiment. I didn't wrap myself in the blanket. It was cold in the room, so I put the shawl which is lighter than the blanket over my chest. I was still chilly, but not cold so I put up with being a little chilly. 

They ran the chemo and for the first time I didn't have any hot flashes and they did not have to stop. I was home by 3:30 PM instead of 5:00PM! I really think not over heating my body helped me to not have the hot flashes!  It really pays off to pay attention to our bodies! I wish I figured it sooner, but glad I figured it out for today and for the next time!  I pass this on to others who might be experiencing the same thing I did.

Earthquake on Tuesday and getting ready for a Hurricane on Sunday. What is going on? 


KathyA said...

Good for you!
Yes, it's been an 'interesting' summer, hasn't it?

Maria said...

I, too, am so excited about Kelle's book. She's a wonderful writer & she deserves to have her words reach a wider audience.
I'm go glad that you found a solution to the hot flashes. That's just great.
I'm battening down the hatches & just holding my breath until Irene passes. We're expected to be hit on Sunday too. We're in a state of Emergency here but thankfully we do not have to evacuate. Just praying we get through it without too much damage & no one getting hurt.
Take care,