I sign on to the blog to write and then become distracted with reading everyone else's blogs. It gets so late and then I am too tired to write my own. I begin to think about some of the writings on the other blogs and I start to judge my writing style and my choice of topics.
Nothing gut wrenching here, like some of the other ones that I read and those are the ones I like to read the most. They have obstacles that they are struggling with and they are not afraid to admit their issues. They impress me, and I can see that they inspire many.
Blog world... it can take a lot of time away from the real world.
So I applied for a new job last week and made it all the way to the second interview. I didn't even dye my white hair back to black, which I wondered if I should do. Would they look at my hair and decide I was too old? Ah, just be myself and that is all I can be.
I don't like interviews. Questions are either too straight forward and it is hard to see the forest through the trees, or they are so vague. I always spend the rest of the day thinking about what I should of said that would have been more impressive.
Half way through the second interview I decided that the job was not for me. I thought I was losing my confidence, but I was just realizing that I would hate the position. Working around the clock and with a lot of systems, not much more pay, and the mission seemed like a tremendous challenge with so many wild cards.
I let it show that I was re-thinking the whole thing and she offered a lesser position. Ah, that didn't appeal either, although I said that I would consider it to cover all of my bases.
I realized I had nothing to prove and that I have choices. I will only feel stuck if I think I am. I can change my mind about many things.
Well, don't I sound all together tonight?
Yeah, it's 2012!
13 years ago
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