
Tuesday, January 8, 2008


I finally saw the clip the media is making a fuss about because Hilary appears to be crying. It is so sickening to me that the media is jumping all over that and making it a bad thing that a human being has emotions. If we wanted a president without any emotions we could build a freaking robot to do the job. I remember feeling the same way about Senator Muskie, back in 1972, as well.

A former governor of Maine, Muskie was elected to the U.S. Senate in 1958 and served until 1980. In 1972 he ran for president against the Republican incumbent, Nixon. He withdrew from the 1972 race early on, after it was perceived that he had wept while defending his wife.

It happens to all of us, doesn't it? You are having a conversation and talking rather matter of fact, when all of a sudden the emotion creeps up and for an instant it takes your breath away, and you find you are having difficulty speaking without tears. It is unpredictable, uncontrollable, and somewhat uncomfortable even if you are in a therapist's office.

It is a beautiful and healing experience because that only happens to us when we speak a truth that is rising up from the bottom of our hearts. Only the media can jump onto an honest to goodness human moment and make it seem like a catastrophe.

I am not even on the Hilary bandwagon, I just feel so angry when I see the media twisting and turning and looking for every angle to destroy credibility, when the particular incident has no bearing on credentials or abilities.
I know there are millions of examples, but this one is upsetting, because it is so dysfunctional to perpetuate that notion that it is weak to cry or show emotion, when just the opposite is true. We need our emotions now more than ever before in order to become a healthy and whole society.


Cheryl said...

You said this so well. There's a herd mentality out there, and either people are going to be pissed at the media, or jump on the media bandwagon. It is a shame. We're all emotional beings. Should we be judged by how well we mask those emotions?

Moohaa said...

I completely agree. And whether I agree with the woman or not, good grief, first and foremost she is human! Judging her on emotional response is idiotic.

Well said!

Anonymous said...

Don't you wonder if those tears were a key to her victory in New Hampshire?

Moohaa said...

Hey how are you today?

jAMiE said...

Hi there...thank you for stopping by my blog.

I agree with you regarding Hilary, should she be judged because she is human. I guess 'they' think it is a sign of weakness to cry..i am not of that mindset.

clairem said...

I love your new pic at the top of your blog. This water is so alive... it is wonderful...
as for the media, i rarely watch any kind of news any longer... I read them. I think it's not as bad... or is it I hope it's not as bad? Yet I can't help thinking that there is so much money involved in this campaigns that these presidential politicians cannot blink an eye without it being written in the script... For hilary, I have no opinion really.