
Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Back to work

I was a bit apprehensive about getting back into the swing of work after being off for the holiday break, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Everyone dreads that first day back after vacation, no way to get through it but dive in and pick right back up from where you left off. I just had to spend some time remembering where I left off!!
My aunt was scheduled today for her heart surgery and they told her this morning that they needed to post pone it until tomorrow. I felt badly for her because it is another day she has to worry about it. As of now, she doesn't even have a time for tomorrow, so I hope that they don't put it off again. Thank you for keeping her in your prayers.


Andrew said...

She is in my prayers. I'm glad you got back into the swing of things. Being off is nice, but it can be nice getting back on a regular schedule as well. I miss that about working.

Moohaa said...

She is in my prayers as well.

Being off work is wonderful and my hubby always feels its torture the first day back. hehehe

Take care!