
Tuesday, January 1, 2008

A new year

A very dreary and rainy day today, but since yesterday was so crisp and sunny, I will let it pass.
We spent the day at home today, mostly putting away our Christmas decorations, and waiting for Tucker to get picked up. Then off to the grocery store. The mad rush of the holidays is surely all gone as evident by the nearly empty meat cases, and the store so quiet I kept looking around to see if there were other customers. It made me sad in way, but I was able to get what I needed and quickly get out.
My aunt is having open heart surgery tomorrow. I just got off of the phone with her to wish her luck and let her know we will all be praying for her. She seemed in good spirits today.
Tomorrow back to work. I have enjoyed this time off so much. I had a nice balance of doing things for myself, organizing the house and seeing friends and family. Who could ask for more?
Our son is traveling back home today and we are anxious for him to arrive. He is on a bus to NYC right now and will catch a train home. We will be picking him up later, and hoping that the roads won't be icing up by the time we have to go and get him.
It is still early, supper dishes are all done and I am going to go and make lunch for tomorrow and hope to sleep well and get a good day's work in tomorrow!


Mike said...

Wow, your header looks great!

I’m glad you had such nice time off. All the rain you are getting is coming down as snow up here.

I actually haven’t been using the journal enough to decide whether it is helpful. I’m still stuck on the first couple exercises. Hopefully this year that will change!

Your aunt is in my prayers.

Have a great evening,

Moohaa said...

I passed by the Christmas aisle at the grocery store and it was a little sad that it was all half-empty and stuff. It's almost a let down after the holiday rush. At Wal-Mart, they already have the Valentines stuff up! Sheesh!

I will say a prayer for your aunt, make sure to let us know how she's doing!

Take care!