
Sunday, January 13, 2008

A Course in Miracles

I heard on TV that Marianne Williamson was going to be teaching A Course in Miracles on XM radio this year. The course has 365 lessons and she was going to do one lesson a day. I bought the book many years ago, but found it very hard to practice on my own. I have looked around for a study group over the years, but never seemed to find a convenient one, so I just didn't follow through.
Although I was very interested in tuning in and following the course, I did not want to have another monthly expense added to our budget by having to get XM radio. I was disappointed, but let it go.
I found out yesterday, through a blogger buddy that on they have have all of Marianne's lessons posted and that I didn't have to have the expense of signing up for XM radio! I was very happy to learn this. So last night I dug out my Course in Miracles book and today I was able to start at lesson 1.
It is interesting that just before Christmas I was on the Internet looking for some type of new personal growth course and had a few things in mind, but I was debating because of the costs involved, and I wasn't sure what I wanted to commit to.
After the holidays, when I was reading Eat, Pray, Love, I was yearning to par take in more of the spiritual pursuits that I have slacked off on. My interest was rekindled for a while when I was taking my grad courses in Holistic Thinking, but since I finished with that, I was getting lazy again about doing anything on my own. I felt called to get myself on track while I was reading that book, and I think that is why it meant so much to me.
And then yesterday I find out that I can have it all at my finger tips on the computer, on for free and I have a blogger buddy who is also interested in taking the journey. It all works out, doesn't it?
So now I have my new year's resolution; to work on obtaining inner peace.


Moohaa said...

What is the miracle thing all about?

I have heard that book Eat, Pray, Love so many times now, I'm gonna have to find it and read it!

Moohaa said...

I had to come back cuz I forgot to tell you how much I love your title picture. Every time I come here I am filled with calm and peace as I gaze at that gorgeous scene!

Patty said...

Okay Lena,

Talk about nudging, you just pushed me over the edge!

A couple of months ago I read a blog post in which Eat, Pray, Love was mentioned and I filed it away. Over the next month or so I heard the title a couple more times. Then, while on vacation I noticed the book on someone's lawn chair, and AGAIN in the airport while waiting for our plane to leave. And now you bring it up again.

Why have I been resisting reading this book? For the same reason I have not read The Secret... If something is media hyped I avoid it like the plauge. Lucky for me, if I am suppose to read something it keeps nagging me until I get the message.

So what is your take on the book? The greatest lesson you learned?

Patty said...

Please send me an e-mail Lena. I have a secret surprise for you.

mosiacmind said...

I will like to tune in to operah to check out marianne's stuff. I also really like the picture on the top of the blog.

Mike said...

What a great resolution- to work on obtaining inner peace. That is an ongoing pursuit of mine that I periodically drift away from and then come back to. I’m glad you feel called back to your spiritual path.

Lena said...


A Course in Miracles is basically about changing your perceptions, and turning fear into love. There is a lot on the internet about it, so you may want to google it. It is sort of hard for me to put into words. There is a book called, Return to Love, by Marianne Williamson, which she calles the cliff notes for the course.

Lena said...

Kelly and Mosiacmind,

Thank you for the compliment on the picture. I took it on New Year's Eve afternoon. When I first posted it in the header, it was smaller. Then it morphed into this big photo and I didn't know how to fix it. I was going to take it off, but I found I enjoyed it myself. So thanks!

Lena said...


I resisted Eat,Pray,Love, when I heard about it, too. I just thought it was more about travel, but it is about her spiritual journey. Elizabeth Gilbert is a fantastic writer, I loved her style.

I am not sure if I learned any new lessons, but it brought me back to so much I have left behind. You know.. walking the walk...

It is not just a "woman's" book. My husband is reading it and enjoying it as well.

Lena said...

Thank you for your comment. I have drifted so much during my life, but always seem to come back. Progress not perfection as they say!
