
Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Big Give

My son and I just finished watching Oprah's new show, The Big Give. It is very moving at times to see how much people not only enjoy receiving, but giving as well. Tonight the contestants were giving away $100,000 each (but only $10,000 in a particular area and $500.00 per person) to people and organizations in need.

My favorite part was when one girl bought $2,000 worth of flowers from a street vendor, and then gave all of the flowers away. She looked like she was having the time of her life giving away all those bouquets to everyone passing by.

The show is inspirational and I know that the point of it is that all of us can give in small ways that can make just as much of an impact. It feels good to help out one another in any way we can.


Moohaa said...

That would be fun to do. Have a great day!

mosiacmind said...

I have not watched that show yet but how fun to give out flowers to people. My friend Clara and I often talked about if we had extra money to be able to do things like extras for people who did not have money kind of like icing on the cake things that would be an lj for people...we often thought this is more than an lj but be able to give people who struggle instead of buying gifts for the kids give them money so that the parents can shop and such. i always wanted to be able to see like a family shopping in a store and go pay for the groceries for them. one thing that happened which is kind of what i am talking about is my bil sister and family went out to eat and it was a huge treat because they have a large family i think they have eight children now and someone at another table heard about what a treat it was and paid their bill and told them to use the money they had to treat themselves another time. i hope that you are having a good week.

Mike said...

Just wanted to stop by and say hi. I hope your week is going well.
