
Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Secret

We joined Netflix finally and it really appeals to me to have movies delivered right to my mailbox. Sure can't beat the price and it saves gas, too!

Last night I finally watched The Secret. I enjoyed the reminders about the law of attraction and I decided I would work more on my vision board today. I have a hard time knowing what I want. I also get stuck in that place of being careful what you pray/wish/ask for, because once you get it, it may not be what you expected. I know that thought can be limiting and I need to let go of it.

On some level I don't think I deserve abundance, another limiting thought. I remember a few years back when we put an addition on our house that I ended up with a horrible stiff neck that lasted for days and when I got to the bottom of the pain, I realized it was all about not feeling like I deserved it. I am better since then, but still have a ways to go with that issue.

When I started my vision board, it was sort of sorry looking. But then I added a little bit more, and this weekend I will add more and tell myself that I deserve abundance and act as if I have it already.

I also made up a list of the components of perfect job for myself to see if I can attract more of the kinds of things that I feel passionate about in my day to day position. I do find that when I start to make lists like that, that it is way easier for me to start with the I don't wants and harder to frame what I do want. It is good to think about what you want out of life, but for some reason along the way, I came to believe that it wasn't good to do so. It is never to late to change how you think about things, and I am finding that a mind shift is critical for inner peace and happiness.


Diane Vogel Ferri said...

I really agree with your last statement and have found that true in my own life.

Cheryl said...

I'd love to hear more about your vision board. I've never heard about that. I loved your post about being a Big Sister and how well your 'little' is doing.