
Saturday, February 9, 2008

Saturday Night Is Alright

It will be one year on Friday since I started this blog. I have enjoyed it very much, even though it takes a great deal of time. It doesn't have to take as much time as I have allowed it to take though and I am trying to get a better handle on that. I enjoy reading other bloggers and it has been very nice to connect with them. I didn't quite expect that when I started, so I look forward to more of that.
This has been a busy week, mostly working overtime to keep up with the increase in my work load. Thursday night I went out with my high school friends and we went to Japanese restaurant and sat at that grill while they put on a show and cooked up our dinner. I had never been to one of those places before and it was fun and the food so delicious!
Today was a lazy Saturday. I mostly sat around the house and read all day. I think it is good to have a day like that sometimes. I knew I should have been doing a million other things, but I didn't. I finished the whole book and I will have tomorrow to run errands and catch up on house work.
I am still working on the Course in Miracles. I am going slowly at it though as some days I forget to do a lesson. But it is progress not perfection and it will take as long as it takes, I keep telling myself.
I also decided to sign up for Oprah's global on -line class which will feature the book, The New Earth. A global classroom sounded very interesting to me. She is saying that 90,000 people have signed up for it already. So I bought the book and will spend my Monday evenings hanging out on line with the rest of the world.

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Your Saturday sounded so relaxing. Good for you for taking the time to read all day. Happy Sunday!