
Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Snowy, Snowy Night

Snow and ice predicted until tomorrow morning. Hmmm this has potential for a possible snow day or late opening tomorrow at the very least!
Father in law still in the hospital, and not doing too well. They will keep doing tests to see what they can find. Husband has been busy going back and forth, and is looking forward to his sibling coming on Thurday to help out with things. The husband is the only sibling close by so he is the one who looks after his parents on a regular basis. I know it is a lot for him sometimes, and I am glad he is getting some help.
I have my 2 siblings who live close by and between the 3 of us we can share a lot of the duties that come from the sandwich generation, so that is so helpful. And the husband also helps out quite a bit with my folks and my aunt so he sure has earned his place in our family.
The spell checker is disabled on this blog and it is annoying. Does any one know how to enable it again?


Moohaa said...

Someone mentioned how to turn it on again, if I remember who, I'll figure it out. Mine is working fine, but a lot of folks seem to be having problems with it.

Moohaa said...

I got so caught up in spell checker I forgot to mention I was praying for your father in law. I hope things get better for him.

mosiacmind said...

i wanted to say hi and thanks for the comments.

Cheryl said...

I thought for sure your FIL would be out of the hospital. I'm glad your husband is getting some much needed relief. Thankfully I have a brother and sister in the area to help out with my folks.

Carol D. O'Dell said...

As a sandwich generationer, I wish you well. I know that not knowing what you're dealing with leaves you in limbo.
Glad you have siblings to share the physical and emotional load.
~Carol D. O'Dell
Author of Mothering-Mother: A Daughter's Humorous and Heartbreaking Memoir,