
Thursday, February 21, 2008

This and That

Thought I would take in a movie today, but there is not one movie that I am interested in right now. All the ones nominated for Academy Awards have come and gone.

Today I have my coupons for Linen N Things and I am going to take a run over there. I have been slowly replacing many kitchen gadgets and pots and pans, and have invested in some of the things they have out now for organizing in the kitchen. It has worked out well, so I will continue on. Sometimes I have in mind what I will buy and other times, I just browse until I see something that I think will work.

Started to watch this season of American Idol, so far I think the boys did a lot better than the girls, but over all I do think this season has lots of talent. It should be a good run. I just wish the judges would explain to them how to make a song their own before the competition starts.
Catch you later.


mosiacmind said...

i agree so far i think the guys are doing better than the girls.

jAMiE said...

I agree with you about the guys on AI..i'm watching too but missed who go elminated last night, darn!